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Do Now Correct the sentences so that they are punctuated and capitalized correctly. thoreau explains why he decided to live in the woods when he says i did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation unless it was quite necessary“. Who said To be or not to be, that is the question asked professor Villa.

Agenda Do Now Style + Language Notes Style + Language Practice

Grammar section

Style The author’s use of language Includes diction, imagery, and syntax

Diction Choice of words + their effect on the work Denotative meaning: literal meaning Connotative meaning: suggestions/associations of a word Example: I walked. I meandered. I strutted.

Imagery Sensory experience created through words

Syntax Order of words in phrases and sentences How the author punctuates How the author arranges patterns of words

Telegraphic Sentence Straightforward Less than 5 words Ex: The cat died yesterday.

Short Sentence 6-10 words Ex: The excited child quickly ran home.

Medium Sentence 18 words long While the curious cat tried to open the newly-installed cat door, all the grown-ups around him laughed.

Long Sentence 30 words One fellow would ask "why?", yet it was clear to all of the men in the room that Mildred could not be freed to the public for fear they would all be caught and incarcerated.

Types of Sentences Declarative: makes a statement Interrogative: asks a question Imperative: gives a command Exclamatory: expresses strong emotion

Order Natural: subject comes before predicate Example: Dogs play for hours. Inverted: predicate comes before subject In the winter, freezes the land.

Parallel Structure Structural similarity in a sentence. Example: I ran and swam and biked. Not: I went running and swam and am going biking.

Independent Practice Complete the syntax practice worksheet.

Homework Complete the parallel structure worksheet.