Human Origins - Hominids and Hunter Gatherers


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Presentation transcript:

Human Origins - Hominids and Hunter Gatherers 2-1

Definitions Prehistory - ALL human history before written language. Anthropology - The study of humankind in all it’s aspects. Someone who works or studies anthropology is an AnthropologIST.

Prehistoric Peoples Hominids - Early humans and human like creatures.

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds In 1974 Donald Johanson, an Anthropologist, found a hominid skeleton that was roughly 3.4 million years old. He named the skeleton Lucy after the famous Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

How do we know? Carbon Dating - Archaeologist apply scientific tests such as carbon dating to analyze fossils and artifacts to tell how old they are.

Homo Sapiens Early Humans (not exactly like you and me) were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Nomadic - A person who has no fixed home and roams about. Hunter-Gatherer - A person who hunts for meat and/or gatherers vegetation for food. Nomadic Hunter-Gatherer - A person who roams about looking for their food.

Where did they come from? Homo Sapiens emerged in EAST Africa between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago. Homo Sapiens then migrated from Africa to Eurasia, Australia and the Americas

Neanderthal Accomplishments Neanderthal Man - Used tools, including simple weapons. Learned how to make and use fire. Lived in clans Animal skins as clothes First to believe in afterlife; they buried their dead with supplies for the afterlife. Neanderthal Man - One of the earliest Homo Sapiens, which lived 130,000 - 35,000 years ago, during the Paleolithic Age or “Old Stone Age”

Cro-Magnon Accomplishments Cro-Magnon Man - Advanced weapons and tools; Throwing spears, Bows & Arrows. First to create artwork; paintings and sculptures. Spoken Language Grunts Effective hunters Cro-Magnon Man - Dates from about 35,000 to 10,000 years ago. They were more advanced than Neanderthal which may have contributed to Neanderthal man’s extinction.

PALEOLITHIC = OLD STONE AGE Paleolithic Era BOTH Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man lived in the Paleolithic Era, which was the OLD STONE AGE PALEOLITHIC = OLD STONE AGE Greek - Paleo = Old Lithic = Stone

Neanderthal Cro-Magnon

Your Task Working with the person sitting next to you, everyone will create a Venn Diagram which shows the differences and similarities of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon Man. 5 - 10 Minutes

Assignment - Cave Art The assignment is to create your own piece of cave art. Worth 100 points. Directions - You must tell a story about something that you did, or happened to you over summer vacation. Without using words, letters or numbers (remember pre-history). Your picture must take up the entire sheet of paper, and be colored. i.e.) Vacation Trip, Working a Job, Chilin’ at the crib.