Frases con comparaciones


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Presentation transcript:

Frases con comparaciones Capitulo 1B

tan + adjective + como as (adjective) as The adjective agrees with the subject of your sentence. Pedro is as talented as Elisa. Pedro es TAN talentoso COMO Elisa.

tanto(a) + noun + como as much (noun) as “tanto” agrees with the noun that follows (NOT the subject of the sentence) I have as much money as my friend. Yo tengo TANTO dinero COMO mi amiga.

tantos(as) + noun + como as many (noun) as “tantos” agrees with the noun that follows (NOT the subject of the sentence) She has as many classes as him. Ella tiene TANTAS clases como él.

1 In the band, there are as many members as in the orchestra. En la banda, hay tantos miembros como en la orquesta.

2 The male musician is as talented as the female musician. El músico es tan talentoso como la música.

3 Swimming is as difficult as martial arts. La natación es tan difícil como las artes marciales.

4 There are as many singers in the chorus as in drama. Hay tantos cantantes en el coro como en el drama.

5 The band members play as many instruments as the orchestra members. Los miembros de la banda tocan tantos instrumentos como los miembros de la orquesta.

6 He does as many searches as her. El hace tantas búsquedas como ella.

7 They are in as many clubs as us. Ellos están en tantos clubes como nosotros.

8 Elena’s voice is not as pretty as Lisa’s voice. La voz de Elena no es tan bonita como la voz de Lisa.

9 There is as much interest in hockey as in the basketball team. Hay tanto interés en el hockey como en el equipo de basquetbol.

10 The male students have as many opportunities to learn as the female students. Los estudiantes tienen tantas oportunidades a aprender como las estudiantes.

11 The baseball team does not have as many games as the football team. El equipo de béisbol no tiene tantos partidos como el equipo de fútbol americano.

12 Photography is as fun as creating a web page. La fotografía es tan divertida como crear una página web.

13 Math class is as important as English class. La clase de matemáticas es tan importante como la clase de inglés.

14 Bowling is as fun as doing gymnastics. Jugar a los bolos es tan divertido como hacer gimnasia.

15 Esteban creates as many web pages as Pedro. Esteban crea tantas páginas web como Pedro.