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Understanding How To Conjugate Verbs

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1 Understanding How To Conjugate Verbs
By: Ashley Yang and Sahitya Gande

2 Pronouns for -ar verbs -a -an
Yo (I): -o Tu (you): -as Ella (she) El (he) Usted (you, formal) Nosotros (we): -amos Ellas (they, female) Ellos (they) Ustedes (you, plural) -a -an

3 Pronouns for –er verbs -e -en
Yo (I): -o Tu (you): -es Ella (she) El (he) Usted (you, formal) Nosotros (we): -emos Ellas (they, female) Ellos (they) Ustedes (you, plural) -e -en

4 Pronouns for –ir verbs -e -en
Yo (I): -o Tu (you): -es Ella (she) El (he) Usted (you, formal) Nosotros (we): -imos Ellas (they, female) Ellos (they) Ustedes (you, plural) -e -en

5 Live is evil backwards!  A little fact for fun! 
PRONOUNS!!  Live is evil backwards!  A little fact for fun! 

6 Do you know these pronouns?
Maria y yo- Every time the subject has someone and yo, the pronoun would be nosotros. Nosotros means “we”, and “someone and I” would be “we.” *Whenever there is nosotros in a question, you would answer with ustedes. Just like in English, if someone asked you a question with “we”, you would answer with “you guys.”* Juan y tu- Every time the subject has someone and tu, the pronoun would be ustedes. Ustedes means “you guys” (the plural form of you). *Whenever there is ustedes in a question, you would answer with nosotros. Just like in English, if someone asked you a question with “you guys”, you would answer with “we.”* PUT ACCENTS!!!!

7 Do you know these pronouns? (continued) 
Los amigos- The pronoun would be ellos because los amigos is masculine and plural. When you translate “los amigos” in English, it is “the friends.” A pronoun for “the friends” is “they,” and “they” means ellos. Maria- The pronoun would be ella because Maria is female and singular. Juan- The pronoun would be el because Juan is male and singular.

8 PrAcTiCe!;)

9 Practice! Conjugate the verbs for every pronoun! Viajar- Cocinar- Escribir- Vivir- Creer- Comer-

10 Practice (continued)! Change these nouns to pronouns! Bob y Harold-
Robert y yo- La amiga- Los amigos- Mama y Papa- Nosotros y ustedes- *Here is a challenge: conjugate the verb “beber” for each of the pronouns.*

11 Answering Questions!  ¿¿¿¿¿?????

12 Question Words! ¿Quien?: Who ¿Que?: What ¿Donde?: When ¿Cuando?: Where ¿Como?: How ¿Cuanto? How many/much

13 Examples! ¿Quien habla en la clase? Ella habla en la clase.
*When the question begins with ¿Quien?, you replace ¿Quien? with the noun you will use and finish the sentence.* ¿Quien cocina en la casa? Yo cocino en la casa. *The verb you use to answer the question should be conjugated to match the noun. In the example above, the noun “yo” was used. So, I had to change the verb from “cocina” to “cocino” to match the noun.*

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