The Neolithic Revolution (The Stone Ages) Vocabulary


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Presentation transcript:

The Neolithic Revolution (The Stone Ages) Vocabulary

prehistory Prehistory is that long period of time before people developed systems of writing and written language.

The Paleolithic Age (The Old Stone Age) the early, longer period of the Stone Age when little progress was made

The Neolithic Age (The New Stone Age) the late period of the Stone Age when humans made great improvements in technology Humans began to domesticate, or tame, wild animals and people began to farm!

Ice Age The Ice Age was a period of time when glaciers covered great stretches of land.

glacier huge ice sheets

archeology Archaeology is the study of the ways of past cultures through objects they left behind.

An artifact is an object made by people long ago.

A primary source is a first hand account of an event. Examples: diary drawing/artwork from the time period artifact

Secondary Source Examples: Secondary sources are writings about past events that are based on information from primary sources. Examples: textbook encyclopedias tv shows made after the event

Nomads are people who travel from place to place.

Migrate means to move from one area to another.

Technology is the way in which humans produce the items they use.

Agriculture is the raising of plants and animals for human use.

Domesticate means to tame wild animals or plants.

to use the land for farming cultivate to use the land for farming

To harvest means to gather.

A surplus is an extra supply.

culture Culture is the technology, customs, beliefs, and art of a group of people.

the usual practice of a person or group customs the usual practice of a person or group

A social division is a group that does a certain type of work.

Specialization is to concentrate in a special activity or field.

history History is the long period of time after people developed a system of writing and language.

An Organized Social Structure civilization a group of people living together who have organized systems of government, education, religion, and a social structure Religion Systems of Government An Organized Social Structure Education