1 Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) Knowledge Management and Transfer Project 7/30/12.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) Knowledge Management and Transfer Project 7/30/12

2 The What and Why of Knowledge Management Activities used to capture and document critical work functions that impact the continuity of program services or products. Information or skills held solely by one person creates a risk to the agency. Knowledge Management provides both methods and tools to capture processes or work functions and ensure organizational sustainability. Provide management an opportunity to review existing functions and determine if they are current or should be updated.

3 What is Knowledge Transfer? Knowledge Transfer (or sharing) are the strategies or tools the knowledge holder (employee) uses to train or mentor other employees to be competent in the function or work process Knowledge Transfer ensures organizational sustainability

4 When to use Knowledge Transfer? An employee is close to or anticipating retirement, and knowledge needs to be preserved possesses knowledge or skills that are critical to ongoing workAND/OR work processes that need to be documented provide learning opportunities for current employees

5 Goals of the DAAS project Preserve critical organizational knowledge and skills Facilitate continuity of services as staff transition Retain and recognize valuable employees Assist in developing employees in current jobs as well as for career development opportunities Assist other work units gain an understanding of what types of knowledge exist within DAAS Serve as a model Knowledge Management Program for DHHS and across state government

6 Benefits for the Participating Employees Recognition as a knowledge expert. Recognition as a knowledge expert. Document knowledge Document knowledge Pride that their work is respected and assurance that the work will be continued (quality assurance) Pride that their work is respected and assurance that the work will be continued (quality assurance) Opportunities to share knowledge and skills Opportunities to share knowledge and skills

7 Benefits for the Agency Pilot a knowledge management and transfer project for DHHS and other agencies Preserve critical organizational knowledge and skills Facilitate continuity of services (performance) as staff (talent) transition

8 Benefits for Other Employees Opportunities to gain new knowledge and/or skill sets Apply new competencies to enhance a career path Gain broader knowledge of the agencys program services and business needs

9 Steps in the DAAS Process Identify the knowledge holders within the Division Encourage and support the knowledge holders in sharing their knowledge Capture and organize the knowledge Establish goals and opportunities to share critical knowledge Evaluate the process and forms

10 DAAS Pilot Overview HR worked with the Division Director to develop questions for an assessment tool and a participant guide Pilot parameters included flexibility for work schedules and a written self- assessment versus an interview A flexible timeline was established

11 Pilot Steps Continued Nine employees were identified by the Division Director as single knowledge holders Division Director met individually with each employee to explain the project Division Director encouraged the employees to willingly participate, and all did HR provided the participants with an orientation

12 Assessment Tools Defined Critical work functions and Knowledge, Skill, Abilities Work processes and deadlines Work relationships Customers Special Knowledge Identification of back-up, documentation General questions

13 Collecting the Information Participants could complete a self- assessment or be interviewed by Human Resources 7 employees chose the self-assessment, 2 chose the interview. Interviews took about two hours, self-assessment up to 8 Employees were given up to 2 months to complete the self-assessment

14 Management Analysis HR provided a spreadsheet documenting the critical work functions of each position HR met with the Division Director to analyze the spreadsheet, and identify the most critical knowledge or skills The Division Director and HR identified methods to validate, transfer and document critical information

15 Most Critical Functions Ex: Documentation of the process for allocation of federal funds to area programs a generic tool has been developed for grant/contract fund allocation for other divisions Identification of common section head leadership competencies Section heads worked together to develop a template for leadership competencies Division Director also identified executive leadership competencies

16 Other Pilot Results All participants documented their critical knowledge Unique knowledge and history of the Ombudsman to be documented in the DHHS Newsletter One DAAS section chief has mentored program details (i.e., transfer) to a staff member (individual transfer plan

17 Other Transfer Methods One employee organized the collected documentation, forms and process on the divisions shared drive Another employee transferred unique program/system knowledge to another division Two DAAS Division employees were cross- trained on unique work functions

18 Lessons Learned Employees completing a self-assessment may take significantly longer to complete the documentation. Interviews were much shorter Participants take pride and security in the work they have developed and may be fearful of being pushed out Keep focused on the most critical knowledge or process that impacts the business

19 Practices Best Practices Interviews are more efficient Keep questions to the most critical Provide ongoing communication to keep interest Keep a flexible but manageable timeline with due dates Human Resources can facilitate the program. Encourage voluntary participation and celebrate participation

20 Remindersfrom Perspective of DAAS Director Knowledge Management is a work in progress It will be necessary to update documents annually for relevancy Organization of files (print and electronic) is an important component requires further study, time and tools Taking time for Knowledge Management will only grow in importance as our workforce ages and we see a rise in retirements

Next Steps Show of hands - what departments would like to set-up something similar? Any departments that have taken any steps to start a program? What resources do you need to move forward? What questions do you have at this point?

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