Scale and map projections


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Presentation transcript:

Scale and map projections AP Human Geography Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Unit

For today, 08/30 (1.) Get out your Cornell Notes HW over pages 10-11 (2.) Pick up a half sheet of paper

Answers need to be in complete sentences! What to do: (1.) What are the two names for the specific lines that make up latitude and longitude on the geographic/global grid? (2.) What is one difference between latitude and longitude? (3.) What is one similarity between latitude and longtitude? (4.) How do we humans feel the effects of longitude? Answers need to be in complete sentences!

Cartographer’s considerations (1.) Scale (2.) Projection

Comparing map projections All maps have distortion: shape, distance, size, direction.

Peters Projection

This map shows a Mercator map (the outline) superimposed over a Gall-Peters projection. The Gall-Peters projection is often called the map that best promotes social justice. Why would the Gall-Peters projection have this reputation?

Credits Albania cartoon: Houston pic 1: Pearson Education, Figure 1-8, Rubenstein 11th ed. Houston pic 2: Pearson Education, Figure 1-8, Rubenstein 11th ed. Houston pic 3: Pearson Education, Figure 1-8, Rubenstein 11th ed. Houston pic 4: Pearson Education, Figure 1-8, Rubenstein 11th ed. Comparing map projections pic: Pearson Education, Figure 1-9, Rubenstein 11th ed. Gall-Peters and Mercator overlay pic: North Pole from space pic: change/how-do-scientists-measure-climate-change/