The Renaissance How did we get here?.


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Presentation transcript:

The Renaissance How did we get here?

How did Europeans get reintroduced to old ways of learning?

What does Renaissance mean? It is French for “rebirth” Renewed interest in Greek and Roman culture. What does Renaissance mean?

And…Introduction to new technology. Causes? Expansion of trade Exploration And…Introduction to new technology. Sound familiar???

Beginning The Renaissance began in Northern Italy in the 1400s.

Italy during the Renaissance A collection of city-states: Large towns across the region Places where ideas were exchanged Overseas trade = $$$ Did not get along, lots of wars Italy during the Renaissance

Italy continued Overseas trade was an effect of the Crusades. During the 1300s, Italy was hit by the bubonic plague. Many people died = less workers = more $$$ for these workers. Italy continued

The Bubonic Plague

Became rich from trade in the Mediterranean with Asia and the Middle East. Began to rival nobles in politics and wealth Merchants

Medici Who was he? He was a powerful banker and merchant From Florence, Italy

The Medici Family Powerful family of bankers Not the official rulers, but they controlled the government of Florence from 1434 to 1737. Patrons of the Arts The Medici Family

Patrons of the Arts Used wealth to encourage artists, scientists, and other creative thinkers. Hired the most creative people of this time period and paid them well.

A Change in Thinking Middle/Dark Ages Renaissance Artists and creative people worked for the Church. Art and ideas were given Christian meaning Artists and creative people worked for patrons. Art and ideas were interested in the “here and now” A Change in Thinking

Secularism Art and ideas interested in worldly matters Focused on the muscles and bone structures of the subjects’ bodies

Why this change in thinking? Crusaders brought back old ways of learning Explorers brought back new information Now people were open to new ideas! Enjoyed trying different ways of doing things! Why this change in thinking?

What is a Renaissance Man? A person with great skill or talent in many areas of learning and the arts Today we call such a person a “Renaissance Man”

Who are these guys???