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Q1: End of Feudalism Feudal system dies out due to: Peasants revolt

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1 Q1: End of Feudalism Feudal system dies out due to: Peasants revolt
Magna Carta is signed by King John Plague (Black Death) killed 30-50% of work force, caused worker shortage and movement of populations as people attempted to avoid plague Kings gain power As feudalism dies out Kings gain power while nobles lose power, England and France become powerful countries in Europe The Crusades Created contacts with East, desire to trade goods with them Towns grow Stability increases throughout Europe, making trade safer

2 Q2: Renaissance Beginnings
Renaissance = French word meaning rebirth Renaissance was a golden age of learning, arts, literature, human achievement, and growth of cities and trade Began in Italy (Florence area), eventually spreading throughout most of Europe, taking place between late s Rebirth of classical art and learning as well as new styles/ways of creating and thinking

3 Q3: Renaissance Foundations - Trade
Increased demand for Middle Eastern products led to growth of trade Changes in methods of communication (traveling/trade becoming safer) lead to easier exchange and spread of ideas across Europe Due to trade, European exposure to Arab achievements in sciences and math that had been lost to Europe in the Middle Ages increased

4 Q4: Renaissance Foundations – Rise of Merchant Class
Italian city-states grow rich from trade businesses Surplus wealth of rich merchant families in Italy led to rise of artistic patronage (giving money to the arts) – causing art to flourish

5 Q5: Renaissance Foundations - Knowledge
Trade encouraged towns to grow and people to think in new ways Interest in education grows Questioning Spirit – everything was questioned, nothing taken for granted, even old beliefs and ideas were tested to “prove” their truth

6 Q6: Renaissance Foundations – Roman Ruins
Roman ruins lay scattered throughout Italy Served as inspirations to scholars, authors, artists, and architects (Greco-Roman Revival) Eager for knowledge people began relearning classical ideas of Greece and Rome, combining classical ideas with new thought

7 Q7: Art and Literature Medieval art and literature focused on Church and salvation Renaissance art and literature focused on individuals and worldly matters, along with Christianity

8 Q8: Advances in Art Human figures in paintings shown as more realistic
Achieved three-dimensional effect in painting through use of perspective New technology in producing paint allowed for new colors

9 Holbein’s, The Ambassadors, 1533

10 Multiple Perspectives

11 Multiple Perspectives

12 Q9: Engineering Breakthroughs in building techniques
Huge domes built on cathedrals/churches now possible

13 Filippo Brunelleschi Commissioned to build the cathedral dome.
Used unique architectural concepts. He studied the ancient Pantheon in Rome. Used ribs for support.

14 Filippo Brunelleschi 1377 - 1436
Architect Cuppolo of St. Maria del Fiore

15 Comparing Domes

16 Other Famous Domes Il Duomo St. Peter’s St. Paul’s US capital (Florence) (Rome) (London) (Washington)

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