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Renaissance / Reformation

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1 Renaissance / Reformation
Chapter 17

2 Italy: Birthplace Section 1

3 Vocabulary Renaissance – means “rebirth”
Humanism – intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements Secular – worldly viewpoint on life Patrons – a person who supports artists Perspective – specific technique which shows three dimensions on a flat surface Vernacular – everyday language in a region or country

4 The Renaissance Time period (1300 – 1600) that sparked creativity in art, writing, and thoughts Everything was more about the individual People turned to art during the tough economic times

5 Art Work of the Renaissance
Characteristics Realism Perspective Individualism Personality Use of Nature Human body





10 City-states Italy was divided into many different city-states
Cities that had their own political unit Merchants were able to dominate They believed they deserved all kinds of power because of their success

11 Medici Family Powerful banking family
Gained control of the city- state “Florence” Control stayed in the family for years!!! First ruler was Cosimo de Medici

12 Change in lifestyle Humanists encouraged people to live traditionally like the Greeks/Romans Studied three specific subjects History, philosophy, and literature

13 Lifestyle continued……….
Renaissance society pushed people to think about the here and now People began wearing expensive clothing and living in mansions Churches began decorating with expensive artwork All educated people should produce art!

14 How did humanism influence Renaissance ideas
How did humanism influence Renaissance ideas? (write down 3-4 sentences, your opinion)

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