Energy flow in food webs


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Presentation transcript:

Energy flow in food webs Trophic levels

Energy flow in ecosystems The energy usually starts with the sun. Producers convert the energy by photosynthesis into food. Energy is then transferred up the food chain: Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary consumers. Energy flow

Trophic levels Trophic levels shows the different feeding relationships in an ecosystem. A food chain/web shows trophic levels indicates the flow of energy, and the arrows always point in the direction of energy flow. Between the trophic levels, about 90% of the energy is lost to the environment

Pyramids of Production • The loss of energy with each transfer in a food chain is represented by a pyramid. Trophic levels are stacked in blocks with primary producers forming the foundation of the pyramid. The size of each block is proportional to the net production, of each trophic level.

Pyramid of Production

Feeding the World Which takes more land, eating plants or animals? • Which takes more fuel? • Which takes more water?

Name the organism!!!!!!!

Types of energy Potential energy Kinetic energy Chemical energy The capacity to do work Kinetic energy What potential energy is converted to Energy of motion Chemical energy Potential energy of molecules Calories: protein - 4 C/g, Carbohydrates – 4 C/g, and fats – 9 C/g

Respiration and Photosynthesis

The four major macromolecules Carbohydrates Proteins Fats (Lipids) Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA)