Results of Questionnaire 24 Nov 2011 Expert Group on Reporting Brussels, 22nd March, 2012
Overview on results from the questionnaire on “Progress in work on Reporting & Natura 2000 data flow (meeting held 24.11.2011). 18 experts responded (AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, HU, IE, MT, NL, PL, SE, SI & UK). Topics were: Art. 17 report Art. 12 report Habides tool Natura 2000 SDF Results Art. 17 Report Has your country already designated a national coordinator for the Art.17 report? 10 MS out of the 18 consulted have a national coordinator
14 MS out of 18 have a structure for collecting/providing data Results Art. 17 Report Is there a structure in place for collecting/providing data for Art 17 reporting? 14 MS out of 18 have a structure for collecting/providing data Do you have Art.11 style monitoring schemes in place? 17 MS out of 18 have Art. 11 monitoring schemes, of which 6 are for most species and habitats
Results Art. 17 Report Results Art. 12 Report Do you estimate that the data quality will be substantially better than in the previous reporting round? 9 MS out of 18 estimate better quality data for the next report Results Art. 12 Report Has your country already designated a national coordinator for the Art.12 report? 10 MS out of 18 have designated a national coordinator
Results Art. 12 Report Results Habides Has your country already an existing structure to involve key data holders, incl. national BirdLife Partners, in the work of data-collation and consensus-building? 10 MS out of 18 have a structure that involves key data holders Results Habides Is your country using the Habides tool to report on derogations? 13 out of 18 MS are using the Habides tool
Results Natura 2000 SDF Does your country intended to use the new Natura 2000 software? 14 out of 18 MS are intended to use the new Natura 2000 software. Have preparations for the transition from the old to the new SDF started in your country? 8 out of 18 MS are preparing the transition to the new SDF.
Involvement in other reporting processes & indicator work 40 % experts consulted are involved in Reporting under the CBD and EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy Targets. 4/18 experts involved in SEBI indicators. 3/18 experts report under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. 2/18 experts report under the Water Framework Directive. 2/18 experts involved in INSPIRE implementation.