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Habides update (May 2011).

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Presentation on theme: "Habides update (May 2011)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habides update (May 2011)

2 Use of Habides Latest version Habides 2.8:
QA/QC Bern Export Support for multiple languages MS currently using Habides (16): BG, BE, DK, ES, FI, HU, IE, IT, LU, LV, NL, PL, SE, UK (DE, FR) MS still using “old” formats (Word, Excel, TXT, PDF, paper, etc): AT, CY, CZ, EE, GR, LT, MT, PT, RO, SI, SK Reports due from 2011 onwards, only derogations in the Habides XML format will be accepted. use of Habides software is optional but helps comply with the format

3 Derogations reports that are still due
Habitats Directive : DK, FR, GR Birds Directive 2008: FR, GR Birds Directive 2009: BE, GR, EE, FI, FR, LU, MT, PT, RO SK

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