Geography and Culture Vocabulary What is geography? What are some things people study when they learn about geography? What is a person called who studies geography?
Vocabulary Geography - the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create Globe – a scale model of the Earth. Useful for showing the entire Earth or studying large areas of Earth’s surface Map – flat diagram of all or part of Earth’s surface
Vocabulary Latitude – east-west lines in the grid (often called parallels) Longitude – north-south lines in the grid (often called meridians) Cartography – the science of making maps
Vocabulary Equator – imaginary line that circles the globe halfway between the North and South Poles at the 0 degree latitude line (equator runs E and W) Prime Meridian – an imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, England at the 0 degree longitude line – divides the Eastern and Western hemispheres (Prime Meridian runs N and S)
Vocabulary Culture – set of beliefs, values, and practices that a group of people have in common