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Presentation on theme: "Mapping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping

2 Why do you think maps are important?

3 Latitude and Longitude
Mapmakers (cartographers) use an imaginary grid of parallel lines and vertical lines to locate points on Earth. These lines are latitude and longitude.

4 Latitude Lines measuring the distance north or south of the equator
(the equator circles the Earth halfway between the north and south poles)

5 Latitude North Pole = 90o North Equator = 0o
Locations between the equator and poles are between 0 and 90 degrees N or S South Pole = 90o South

6 Latitude Measurements of latitude are in degrees.
In order to be more precise, the degrees are further divided into minutes (‘) and seconds (“).

7 Longitude The distance in degrees East or West of the prime meridian.
Prime meridian – the reference point for longitude that represents 0 degrees longitude. This line runs through Greenwich, England

8 Longitude Points west of the prime meridian are numbered 0 to 180o west (W). Points east of the prime meridian are numbered 0 to 180o east (E).

9 Longitude Like latitude, longitude is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds.

10 Latitude is always listed first!
Locating Places In order to locate a place, we need to know its longitude AND latitude. The location is the place where these two lines intersect and is unique for every place on earth! Latitude is always listed first!

11 Time Zones The earth is divided into 24 time zones, 1 for each hour of the day. Each time zone is approx. 15 degrees wide, corresponding roughly to lines of latitude.

12 Why do you think some of the lines are not straight?

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