The Cold War World History – Unit 11.


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Presentation transcript:

The Cold War World History – Unit 11

Day 1: Page 1: Germany After WWII Next 7 days of class… Agenda: Next 7 days… Germany after WWII map NATO vs. Warsaw Pact Notes

Day 1: Page 1: Germany After WWII

Day 1: Page 1: Germany After WWII

Day 1: Page 1: Germany after WWII Two superpowers: United States and Eastern Europe U.S. led the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Eastern Europe (specifically the Soviet Union – aka Russia) led the Warsaw Pact “Line” of tension was drawn in Berlin, Germany called the Iron Curtain between the Democratic West and the Communist East

Day 1: Page 1: Germany after WWII Those in Communist Berlin were fleeing to democratic Germany 1961 – the Berlin Wall was built (concrete barrier/wall topped with barbed wire and patrolled by guards)

Berlin Wall THEN… NOW!

Day 1: Page 1: Germany after WWII Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia also revolted against Soviet domination Demonstrators could not stand against Soviet tanks U.S. was the only country with nuclear weapons but by 1949, the Soviet Union also developed nuclear weapons By 1953 BOTH countries had developed the hydrogen bomb (even more destructive than the atomic bomb!)

Day 1: Page 1: Germany after WWII The United States and Soviet Union engaged in a race to match one another in new weapons…called The Cold War The result? A balance of terror because both sides know that the other side would launch their new weapons and destroy the other The world and the American and Soviet people lived in constant fear

Day 1: Page 1: Germany after WWII The two sides met in disarmament talks although neither side completely trusted the other, some agreements were made SALT – Strategic Arms Limitation Talks – limited the number of nuclear weapons (both sides agreed to this in 1972 and 1979) U.S. President Reagan launched the “Stars Wars” which built a missile defense against nuclear attack Led to the era of détente – relaxation of tensions during the 1970s (this era ended in 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan)

Day 1: Page 1: Germany after WWII Cold War goes global Soviet Union was assisting other communist countries including China and Korea The US reached out to countries including Pakistan, France, Australia, etc. US set up military bases around the world unlike the Soviet Union US feared that Communism would spread around the world

Day 1: Page 1: Germany after WWII Fidel Castro became dictator in Cuba in the 1950s US tried to bring down the Communist regime in Cuba as it was “too close to home” 1961- Bay of Pigs Invasion – Soviet Union sent nuclear weapons to Cuba Pres. John F. Kennedy responded by imposing a naval blockade to prevent more Soviet shipments Kennedy demanded that the Soviet Union remove its nuclear missiles (which were pointed at the US) For a few days, the world faced a risk of nuclear war Nikita Krushchev agreed to remove the Soviet missiles and war was avoided

Day 2: Page 2: Cold War Agenda: Notes Dr. Seuss Cold War Events in pairs Homework: Cold War Quiz tomorrow

The Cold War

What was it? Why was it different than previous wars? Who was involved? Why did it last so long?

What was it? 50 years of tension between the United States and Soviet Union (Russia) West vs. East (Iron Curtain) A race to become the “biggest” and the “best” – Military, Espionage, Power, and Society. For the US a war against Communism, for Russia (USSR) a war against Capitalism. No fighting between Russia and the US – just indirect conflicts with the ideals of each side

Why was it different than previous wars? Lasted for 50 years A war of ideals Fighting was not in the battle fields between then two sides it was more of a philosophical battle field Was TOTAL WAR like no other time in history.

Who was involved? West – US, Britain, France, West Berlin East – Russia (USSR), East Berlin, Cuba Africa, India, China, Japan were not significant South East Asia was the “battle ground” and any country coming out of colonialism/imperialism

**** The game of chicken lasts until the chicken backs down**** Why did it last so long? Constant build up and “Macho-ism” World was becoming more militaristic and focused on outdoing each other Both countries refused to make amends **** The game of chicken lasts until the chicken backs down**** RUSSIA BACKED DOWN

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