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The Cold War United States vs. The Soviet Union. Definition Forty years of tension and hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States following.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War United States vs. The Soviet Union. Definition Forty years of tension and hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States following."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War United States vs. The Soviet Union

2 Definition Forty years of tension and hostility between the Soviet Union and the United States following World War II. Competing to be the world’s super power in the following areas: Competing to be the world’s super power in the following areas: –Government –Space –Sports –Weapons –Espionage –Foreign Involvement

3 Government Communism (Soviet Union) and Democracy (United States) –Stalin’s desire is to spread communism in Eastern Europe and create a buffer with Germany –Stalin rejects demands of Roosevelt and Churchill for “free elections” –Pro Soviet communist governments emerge in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere Germany is divided in ½ - Right through Berlin –East Germany is Communist –West Germany is Democratic


5 Government Key Soviet General Secretaries –Nikita Kruschev (“peaceful coexistence”) –Leonid Brezhnev (arrests and imprisonments) –Mikhail Gorbachev (openness and reform) Key American Presidents –John F. Kennedy (Bay of Pigs) –Ronald Reagan (“Tear down that wall”)

6 Space Soviet Union makes it to space first –1957: Sputnik satellite United States makes it to the moon first –1969: Apollo 11

7 Sports United States has amateur athletes Soviet Union has world class “machines” 1972 Olympic Basketball –“The clock game” – Soviet gold 1980 Olympic Hockey –“Miracle on Ice” – US gold Hollywood –Rocky IV (Ivan Drago vs. Rocky Balboa)

8 How is this propaganda? ?v=1oDTNEEu3Rw ?v=1oDTNEEu3Rw

9 Weapons 1945: U.S. drops nuclear bomb on Japan 1949: Soviet Union tests hydrogen bomb Mutually assured destruction Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) –Limited anti-ballistic missiles –President Reagan launches “Star Wars” program Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Leads to era of détente until… –…Soviet Union invades Afghanistan

10 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) –Background: Fidel Castro (communist) comes to power Bay of Pigs invasion: failed assassination attempt by the U.S. –Soviet Union faces missiles at U.S. from Cuba (90 miles away) U.S. navy surrounds Cuba with ships –U.S. has missiles in Turkey –“Thirteen days of fear” –President Kennedy gets them removed

11 Krushchev vs. Kennedy

12 Espionage U.S. and Soviet Union begin spying on each other The Rosenbergs (1953) –Executed for giving the Soviets U.S. secrets on H- bomb U2 spy plane (1960) –U.S. pilot shot down over the Soviet Union while spying “Red Scare” within the United States –Accusing innocent people of being “communists”


14 Foreign Involvement U.S. adopted the policy of containment –Strategy to keep communism in its present borders and prevent it from expanding 1950s: Korean War –U.S. helps South Korea –North Korea is communist –38 th parallel 1960s-70s: Vietnam War –U.S. helping South Vietnamese –North Vietnamese (Vietcong) are communist 1980s: Soviet war in Afghanistan –U.S. supports Afghan rebels with money and weapons

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