Biodiversity Biodiversity: The variety of life on Earth; considered at all levels, from populations to ecosystems. How many species are there? About.


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Presentation transcript:

Biodiversity Biodiversity: The variety of life on Earth; considered at all levels, from populations to ecosystems. How many species are there? About 8.7 million (± 1.3 million) as of 2011 Only ~2 million described and named Thousands of species (mostly insects) discovered each year.

Classification Taxonomy is the study of describing, naming, and classifying organisms; arranging them based on similarities. Carl Linnaeus (Swedish biologist; 1707-1778) First to develop a formal classification system for organisms; grouped similar organisms together. Binomial nomenclature; still used today Binomial nomenclature Two-word, descriptive name for species Genus and species names derived from Latin Names are italicized or underlined in print. E.g.) Giant Panda: Ailuropoda melanoleuca (“Cat foot”) Polar Bear: Ursus maritimus (Ursus is latin for bear) Grizzly Bear: Ursus arctos

Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Kings Play Chess On Fine Green Silk Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Humans vs Orangutan

Domain Eukaryote- Multicellular organisms containing a nucleus and DNA Prokaryote- Single Celled organism with no nucleus (Archae, Bacteria) Three domains: Archaea and (2) Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes (no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles) (3) Eukarya are more complex; have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles

Three-Domain System Protists Plants Fungi Animals

ARCHAEA (Prokaryote) Kingdom - ARCHAEBACTERIA Probably the 1st cells to evolve Live in HARSH environments Found in: Sewage Treatment Plants (Methanogens) Thermal or Volcanic Vents (Thermophiles) Acidic hot springs or geysers (Thermophiles) Very salty water: Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake (Halophiles)

BACTERIA (Prokaryote) Kingdom - EUBACTERIA Some may cause disease Found in ALL HABITATS except the most harsh Important decomposers for environment Commercially important in making cottage cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, etc.

Domain Eukarya is Divided into Four Kingdoms Protista (protozoans, algae…) Fungi (mushrooms, yeasts …) Plantae (multicellular plants) Animalia (multicellular animals)

Protista Unicellular, multicellular, or colonial Autotrophic or heterotrophic Aquatic Anything that is not a bacteria, animal, plant, or fungi—really a catch-all group!

Fungi Multicellular, except yeast Absorptive heterotrophs: digest food outside their body & then absorb it Cell walls made of chitin

Plantae Multicellular Autotrophic: Cell walls made of cellulose Absorb sunlight to make glucose via Photosynthesis Cell walls made of cellulose

Animalia Multicellular Ingestive heterotrophs: Consume food & digest it inside their bodies Feed on plants or animals