How Do Plants Capture Energy From the Sun and Make Food?


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Presentation transcript:

How Do Plants Capture Energy From the Sun and Make Food? An Introduction to Photosynthesis

What are we learning today? Benchmarks: Objectives: I will state the overall equation of photosynthesis. I will explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are part of an interrelated cycle. I will describe the factors that affect photosynthesis. SC.912.L.14.7* SC.912.L.18.7-Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of photosynthesis. SC.912.L.18.9*- Explain the interrelated nature of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.  

What are autotrophs and heterotrophs? REVIEW What are autotrophs and heterotrophs? Plants, algae, and some bacteria use light energy from the sun to produce food. They are called photosynthetic autotrophs. Animals, fungi, protozoa, and some bacteria obtain energy from the food they consume. They are called heterotrophs. Chemosynthetic vs photosynthetic

What is photosynthesis? Take Notes What is photosynthesis? Comes from the Greek words: photo - light synthesis - putting together Therefore, it means “using light to put something together” Photosynthesis occurs in the cells’ chloroplasts found in the leaves. During photosynthesis in the Chloroplasts, plants use energy from sunlight to convert water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into carbohydrates (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2). The energy is now STORED in the carbohydrate molecule. YOU MUST KNOW THIS EQUATION! Explain the equation Reactants vs products Needs vs makes Explain LIMITING FACTORS to preface lab Take away light source, no photosyn. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O+ light C6H12O6 + 6 O2

Reactant or Product? Oxygen Reactant or Product? Sugar Reactant or Product? Water

What Other Organisms Can Perform Photosynthesis? Algae (protist)– eukaryotic and autotrophic like a plant BUT… may be unicellular or multicellular, while all plants are multicellular Algae do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, or cones like plants do– EVERY cell in the algae has to get its own nutrients 3 Groups of Bacteria: Cyanobacteria Chlorobi and Proteobacteria  (blue-green) (green) (purple) surface waters deep waters most similar to plants use H2S instead of H2O First Oxygen

Exit Slip What do we know? 1. The overall process of photosynthesis can be represented using a chemical equation. Like all chemical equations, the equation for photosynthesis must obey the law of conservation of mass. Which of the following is the correct and balanced equation for photosynthesis? A. CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2 B. 6CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2 C. CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 D. 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 7

Exit Slip What do we know? 2. Which of these statements correctly describes the process of photosynthesis? A. Photosynthesis is an exothermic process because it releases energy. B. Photosynthesis is an endothermic process because it releases energy. C. Photosynthesis is an endothermic process because it requires the absorption of energy. D. Photosynthesis is an exothermic process because it requires the absorption of energy. 8

What do we know? Exit Slip 3. Which of these best describes the conversion of sunlight into the energy in glucose? A. Chemical energy is converted to kinetic energy. B. Kinetic energy is converted to potential energy. C. Electromagnetic energy is converted to chemical energy. D. Potential energy is converted to electromagnetic energy. 9

What do we know? Exit Slip Scientists are measuring the rate at which carbon dioxide (CO2) and water are converted to glucose and oxygen (O2) per hour in various types of houseplants with the same biomass. The houseplants are all exposed to the same amount of sunlight and to the same conditions. The data they collect is given in the table. ALOE VERA COLEUS POTHOS SPIDER PLANT AMOUNT OF CO2 ABSORBED 180 mL 168 mL 164 mL 175 mL AMOUNT OF O2 RELEASED 150 mL ANSWER IS C. 10

What do we know? Exit Slip 4. What is the most likely reason that the plants absorb different amounts of CO2? A. The plants are different heights. B. The plants have different masses. C. The plants have different size leaves. D. The plants are different shades of green. ANSWER IS C. ALOE VERA COLEUS POTHOS SPIDER PLANT AMOUNT OF CO2 ABSORBED 180 mL 168 mL 164 mL 175 mL AMOUNT OF O2 RELEASED 150 mL 11

What do we know? Exit Slip 5. In which process do these plants absorb CO2, water, and sunlight to produce glucose and O2? A. mitosis B. photosynthesis C. replication D. respiration ANSWER IS B. ALOE VERA COLEUS POTHOS SPIDER PLANT AMOUNT OF CO2 ABSORBED 180 mL 168 mL 164 mL 175 mL AMOUNT OF O2 RELEASED 150 mL 12