Johan Tidblad & Pasquale Spezzano


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Presentation transcript:

Johan Tidblad & Pasquale Spezzano Call for Data “Inventory and condition of stock of materials at UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites, 2015-2017”. Status Report. Johan Tidblad & Pasquale Spezzano 3rd Joint Session of the SB to EMEP and the WGE Geneva, Switzerland 11 - 15 September 2017

Call for data: history Agreement on launching the call by the Programme Task Force in April 2015 (31st meeting in Kjeller, Norway); Adopted during the first joint session of the Steering Body to the EMEP and WGE (Geneva, 14-18 September 2015); Launched on 22 October 2015 via e-mail by the Convention Secretariat; The deadline for the submission of data postponed to the 30 June 2017 (32nd meeting Programme Task Force, Rome, Italy)

Call for data: aims To disseminate the experience gained during the “Pilot study on inventory and condition of stock of materials at risk at UNESCO cultural heritage sites”; To retrieve information on UNESCO cultural heritage sites for the assessment of the stock of materials; To identify UNESCO sites at risk in individual countries; To assess the damage to selected materials of the identified sites and to evaluate damage cost; To involve new countries in the activities of ICP Materials.

ICP Materials web site A page dedicated to the Call for Data has been added to the ICP Materials website, where all documents and some examples of the reporting template are available for downloading.

Six Countries are participating in the Call for Data:

Cultural heritage objects selected for the Call for Data The Cathedral of Saint Domnius, Split, Croatia Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany Speyer Cathedral, Speyer, Germany Würzburg Residence, Würzburg, Germany Porta Nigra, Trier, Germany Town Hall of Bremen, Bremen, Germany Wartburg Castle, Eisenach, Germany Hercules-Monument, Kassel, Germany Lorsch Abbey, Lorsch, Germany The Colosseum, Rome, Italy The Tower of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Palazzo Madama, Turin, Italy Ghirlandina Tower, Modena, Italy Hydroparken, Notodden, Norway Nidarosdomen, Trondheim, Norway Drottningholm Palace Theatre, Ekerö, Stockholm, Sweden Nederluleå church in Gammelstad church town, Luleå, Sweden Hanseatic Town of Visby, Gotland, Sweden Cathedral of the Abbey of St. Gall, St Gall, Switzerland Bern Minster, Bern, Switzerland

Some general remarks Not all the UNESCO sites, and not all individual cultural heritage object are suitable to meet the objectives of the study (materials, localization in non-polluted areas, etc,); The characterization of a specific cultural heritage object in terms of total external surface, the classification of the different building materials and the estimate of the amount of each material exposed to air pollution is a very time-consuming task; Simplifications are needed in calculating the surface of complex architectural figures (statues, bas-reliefs, columns, capitals, balustrades, etc.)

Examples of complex architectural figures Bern Minster, Switzerland Palazzo Madama, Turin, Italy Town Hall of Bremen, Germany

Materials constituting the artifacts: summary Total area: ~ 220,000 m2 (equivalent to 31 football pitches or half of the Vatican City area); Natural stones (mainly sandstone and limestone but also talc-schist, tufa, slate and other ornamental stones): ~ 63 %; Artificial stones (ceramic such as bricks and “terracotta” tiles, plasters, mortars, and cement-based concrete): ~ 16 %; Waterproof materials based on asphalt, bitumen or tar: ~ 5 %; Painted surfaces (not paintings inside the buildings) : ~ 4 %; Copper (a constituent element of the roof in 8 cultural objects): ~ 5 %; Glass (windows containing glass and stained glass windows): ~ 5 %.

The environment around the artifacts: summary SO2: from 1 to 7 μg/m3 NO2: from 5 to 65 μg/m3 O3: from 19 to 96 μg/m3 PM10: from 8 to 40 μg/m3 Temperature: from 4.5 to 19.1 °C Relative humidity: from 56 to 83.5 % Amount of precipitation: from 431.4 to 1343 mm per year pH of rain: few data, usually between 5.0 and 5.2 (All data expressed as annual average)

Collected data: conclusions good characterization of a number of cultural heritage objects in terms of total external surface, building materials and amount of each material exposed to air pollution; wide range of materials and environmental conditions.

Next steps assessment of expected damage of the materials constituting the artifacts due to air pollution by using dose-response functions established by ICP Materials (2018); assessment of cost of damage caused by deterioration of the materials constituting the artifacts due to air pollution (2019). in-depth assessments on the individual monuments taken into account by the Call for Data will be supplemented with updated corrosion maps of the UNECE region to better understand the distribution of UNESCO sites at risk.

Thank you for your attention! Final Message: Countries wishing to participate in the Call are welcome ... Thank you for your attention! Any questions?