By: Maria Carolina De Lima


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Presentation transcript:

By: Maria Carolina De Lima French Revolution By: Maria Carolina De Lima

Outline How can we solve the French revolution problems? To avoid the reign of terror we should solve the political, social and economical problems! A. Taxation ( economical) a) Lowering the amount of taxes. b) Nobles, Clergy and Bourgeoisie should pay the same taxes. B. Absolutism ( political) a) Change the government. b) The king shouldn’t be the only one ruling. Representatives of each social class should be able to speak for their people. C. Lack of Education ( Social) a) Building of Schools. b) Public schools from the government, should be free for the people of low economical class. D. Inequality ( Social) a) Rich and poor people should be treated equally. b) Rich and poor should have the same rights. By solving these problems we can help fight the reign of terror!

Taxation How can we solve taxation? Poor people shouldn’t be the ones paying for the taxes of the rich people. Rich people should be responsible of their own taxes. To stop all the taxation problems, taxes should be lowered and shared equally. This means that rich and poor should pay the same amount of taxes. By lowering the amount of taxes the poor people would be satisfied because they will now pay less than what they paid before. Taxation is a problem that grew during the French revolution. Poor’s were the only one paying taxes. The king stayed with that money and as you know power makes you vicious: “ the more you get, the more you want”.

Absolutism How can we solve absolutism? Absolutism is known as the fact where one person rules a whole Country or Empire. This person is known as King or Queen. A king is a person who rules and makes the decisions without caring if they are good or bad for the society. Absolutism can be solved by changing the government and allowing the representatives of each social class to speak for their people. By changing the government I mean that the king should receive advice and accept the ideas of the representatives of each social class. This way the new decisions of the king will please the whole society.

Lack of Education How can we solve the lack of education? Many young adults when they are trying to get a job they are rejected because of their lack of education. Education is a right every kid should receive but what happens when your family is so poor that they can’t pay for your education? The government should respond for it. With all the money the government receives because of the taxes, it should be used for the building of public schools. Studying makes you well- bread and it also makes you a professional.

Inequality How can we solve inequality? Inequality is a problem commonly seen between rich and poor people. Rich and poor should be treated the same. We should all have the same rights. If you are rich that doesn’t gives you the right to treat the other person badly. Inequality is not only seen as the way you treat people but is also the way the government treats you. The government sometimes gives more opportunities for rich than for poor and these makes poor feel rejected. We all have rights and this rights state that we should all be treated the same.

Rich Poor