Informal Reading Inventory Created by Lisa Globus
All About Mark… Five years old, kindergarten student Middle class family consisting of himself, his parents and his eight year old sister Working father, stay at home mother Mother is very involved in education, specifically reading
During the IRI Mark was extremely confident as we began the assessment He was very outgoing and eager to read with me He became nervous as the passages got more difficult, and lost some of his confidence
Results of the IRI Level WRI was begun: Preprimer Level Oral Reading was begun: Primer Oral Reading Word Recognition Independent- Primer Instructional- First Frustrational- Second
Results of the IRI Continued.. Oral Reading Comprehension Independent- Preprimer InstructionalFrustrationalPrimer Silent Reading IndependentPreprimer Listening Capacity Level: Third Grade
Results of the IRI Continued The overall judgment I made about Mark’s reading ability is that he is a very strong reader, and the area in which he needs assistance is comprehension
Reading Intervention Program I developed a reading intervention program focused on the development of Mark’s reading comprehension The program I have developed covers the many different elements that make up reading comprehension
Reading Intervention Program Reading Comprehension Strategies: Establishing a purpose for reading Fluency practice Activating prior knowledge Visualization Questioning