Cyflwyno Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru Introducing Social Care Wales


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Presentation transcript:

Cyflwyno Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru Introducing Social Care Wales

Context and background What Social Care Wales will do Cynnwys Content Cyd-destun a chefndir Beth fydd Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn ei wneud Swyddogaethau penodol y sefydliad newydd Context and background What Social Care Wales will do Specific functions of the new organisation

Core business Gwaith craidd Cofrestr o 11,500 Cyfeirwyd 193 Dileuwyd 17 11,500 registrants 193 referrals 17 struck off

Hyfforddi Training Darllenwyd tudalennau’r Hwb 238,472 o weithiau 230 o raddedigion gwaith cymdeithasol newydd 550 o weithwyr cymdeithasol yn dysgu gydol oes Learning Hub pages viewed 238,472 times 230 new social work graduates registered 550 social workers enroled for continuing learning

Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru Social Care Wales “Ein cyfrifoldeb ni fel arweinwyr yw i sicrhau ein bod ni ddim yn unig yn parhau i wneud y pethau arferol, ond ein bod ni’n ddigon dewr i fynd i’r afael â’r heriau cymhleth sydd gennym yng Nghymru, fel ein bod ni ddim yn unig yn eu trosglwyddo i’r genhedlaeth nesaf.” Arwel Ellis Owen, Cadeirydd, Cyngor Gofal Cymru “Our responsibility as leaders is to make sure we don’t just continue doing what we have always done, but that we are bold enough to tackle the complex challenges we have in Wales, so that we don’t simply pass them on to the next generation.” Arwel Ellis Owen, Chair, Care Council for Wales

Cyd-destun Context Rhan o agenda sy’n fwy eang Part of a bigger agenda Newid diwylliannol Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru – hyb strategol Dull newydd o weithio – dim gwneud pethau gwahanol ond gweithio’n wahanol Part of a bigger agenda A cultural change Social Care Wales – a strategic hub A new way of working – not doing different things but working differently  

Cym-deithasol Cymru yn Social Care Wales will Bydd Gofal Cym-deithasol Cymru yn Social Care Wales will Gweithio gyda phobl sy’n defnyddio gwasanaethau gofal a chefnogaeth, ac ystod eang o sefydliadau, i arwain ar welliannau mewn gofal cymdeithasol. Anelu at sicrhau bod pobl Cymru’n gallu galw ar weithlu gofal cymdeithasol o ansawdd uchel sy’n darparu gwasanaethau sy’n ateb eu anghenion yn gyfan gwbl. Work with people who use care and support services, and a broad range of organisations, to lead improvement in social care. Aim to make sure the people of Wales can call on a high-quality social care workforce that deliver services to fully meet their needs.

Mi fydd yn It will Gosod safonau ar gyfer y gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol, eu cefnogi i’w gwneud yn atebol am eu gwaith, wrth sicrhau fod ganddynt y wybodaeth a’r sgiliau i ddarparu’r gofal a chefnogaeth gorau. Gweithio gydag eraill i wella gwasanaethau sydd wedi eu cytuno fel blaenoriaethau cenedlaethol Set standards for the social care workforce, support them to be accountable for their work, by ensuring they have the values, knowledge and skills to provide the best care and support. Work with others to improve services for areas agreed as a national priority

Mi fydd yn It will Co-ordinate and sponsor research that provides evidence to help improve services and develop the workforce Provide robust information on social care for the public, the workforce and other organisations Cyd-lynnu a noddi ymchwil sy’n rhoi tystiolaeth i helpu wella gwasanaethau a datblygu’r gweithlu Darparu gwybodaeth cadarn am ofal cymdeithasol ar gyfer y cyhoedd, y gweithlu a sefydliadau eraill

Blaenoriaethau sy’n dod i’r amlwg Emerging priorities Plant dan ofal Dementia Gweithlu gofal yn y cartref Looked after children Dementia Domiciliary care

Pwerau newydd New powers Cofrestru gweithwyr gofal yn y cartref Cofrestru gweithwyr gofal preswyl henoed Rheoleiddio hyfforddiant gofal Registering domiciliary care workers Registering residential adult care workers Regulating social care training

Egwyddorion Principles Improving well-being Gwella llesiant Canolbwyntio ar wella canlyniadau i bobl sy’n derbyn gofal Canolbwyntio ar dystiolaeth Improving well-being Focus on improved outcomes for people across the whole of social care Focusing on the evidence

Barn y sector ar flaenoriaethau Leadership role Seizing opportunity Ymchwil Research Dangos arweiniad Achub ar y cyfle Cefnogi gweithwyr Dosrannu adnoddau Barn y sector ar flaenoriaethau Leadership role Seizing opportunity Supporting practitioners Allocation of funding Sector’s view on priorities

Gofal a chefnogaeth yn y cartref Care and Support at Home Dull cyfansawdd Cofrestru Cyd-weithrediad Whole-systems approach Registration Co-operation

Pethau i’w gwneud People as equal partners Pobl yn bartneriaid Care at home: actions People as equal partners Communities involved Personal outcomes Options for independence Skilled workers Research Pobl yn bartneriaid Cynnwys cymunedau Canlyniadau personol Dewisiadau Sgiliau’r gweithlu Ymchwil

Final thoughts Meddyliau i gloi Agenda anferth Pwysigrwydd uchelgais Gweithio mewn partneriaeth ac ar draws ffiniau Rhaid i ni gael cefnogaeth y gweithlu Ystyried syniadau newydd Gêm hir-dymor Huge agenda Importance of shared ambition Need to work across boundaries and in partnership We must take the workforce with us Being open to new ideas A long game

DIOLCH THANK YOU Hapus i dderbyn eich sylwadau neu gwestiynau. Beth fydd hwn yn ei olygu i chi? THANK YOU Happy to hear your views or questions. What will this mean for you?