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Strategaeth Gofal Cychwynnol a Chymuned Primary & Community Care Strategy Datblygu Gweithio mewn Cymdogaethau ar Draws Gogledd Cymru Developing Locality.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategaeth Gofal Cychwynnol a Chymuned Primary & Community Care Strategy Datblygu Gweithio mewn Cymdogaethau ar Draws Gogledd Cymru Developing Locality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategaeth Gofal Cychwynnol a Chymuned Primary & Community Care Strategy Datblygu Gweithio mewn Cymdogaethau ar Draws Gogledd Cymru Developing Locality Working Across North Wales Clare Jones Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol Datblygu Gwasanaethau Cychwynnol a Chymuned Assistant Director Primary & Community Services Development

2 13/06/20162 Argymhellion Rhanddeiliaid ‘90 diwrnod’ ‘90-day’ Stakeholder Recommendations Datblygu model cymdogaeth Datblygu model Canolbwynt Cyfathrebu Datblygu proffil manwl o’r gwasanaeth ar draws Gogledd Cymru Datblygu mwy ar y model ariannol To develop a locality model To develop the model of a Communications Hub To develop a detailed service profile across North Wales To further develop the financial model

3 ‘ Gosod y Cyfeiriad’ ‘ Setting the Direction’ ‘Bydd creu gwasanaethau iechyd o’r radd flaenaf yng Nghymru yn gofyn am drawsnewid gwasanaethau cychwynnol a chymuned’. (Dr Chris Jones, Tach 2009) ‘ Creating world- class health services in Wales requires the transformation of primary & community services’ (Dr Chris Jones, Nov. 2009)

4 Model Gofal Model of Care Model tra threfnus o wasanaethau cymuned integredig fydd yn gweithredu fel pont rhwng gofal cychwynnol a’r ysbyty llym. Anghenion cyfannol y dinesydd wedi’u darparu gan y GIG, Awdurdodau Lleol ac asiantaethau partner eraill yn cydweithio. Rheolaeth argyfwng sy’n ymateb i agenda rhagweithiol, cydlynol ac ataliol, sy’n canolbwyntio yn arbennig ar grwpiau o gleifion risg uchel a’r rheiny sy’n llesgáu Highly organised model of integrated community services that will act as a bridge between primary care and the acute hospital. Holistic needs of the citizen and delivered by the NHS,Local Authorities and other partner agencies working together. Reactive crisis management to a proactive, co-ordinated and preventative agenda, with a particular focus on high risk patient groups and those with increasing frailty

5 Blaenoriaeth Corfforaethol Corporate Priority ‘ Glasbrint ar gyfer y dyfodol’ (Cyfeiriad Strategol BIPBC a Chynllun 5 mlynedd) Strategaethau HSCWB 2011/14 Gofyniad LlC (rhaglen genedlaethol a FfAB 2011/12) Bwrdd Gweithredu Gofal Cychwynnol a Gwasanaethau Cymuned ‘ A blueprint for the future’ (BCUHB Strategic Direction & 5 Year Plan) HSCWB Strategies 2011/14 WG requirement (national programme & AQF 2011/12) Primary Care & Community Services Implementation Board

6 Gweithio Mewn Cymdogaethau Locality Working ‘Bydd staff o wahanol sefydliadau yn cyd-weithio â chleifion, defnyddwyr gwasanaeth, gofalwyr a grwpiau cleifion a gwirfoddolwyr i adnabod eu hanghenion. Drwy rannu gwybodaeth, sgiliau, adnoddau a chyfleusterau, bydd timau sy’n gweithio ar draws yr ardal honno’n gweithredu cynlluniau i ateb yr anghenion hynny mor agos â phosibl i’r cartref.’ ‘Staff from different organisations will work together with individual patients, service users, carers and patient and voluntary groups to identify their needs. By sharing knowledge, skills, resources and facilities, teams working across the locality will then implement plans to meet those needs as close to home as possible.’

7 Cynllun 5 mlynedd / 5 Year Plan “Bydd gwasanaethau cymdogaethau yn mynd i’r afael ag atal, hunan ofal, triniaeth, adsefydliad a gofal hir dymor.” “Y prif egwyddor ddylai fod i’r ysbytai cyffredinol dosbarth ddarparu’r gwasanaethau arbenigol hynny na ellir eu darparu’n effeithiol, diogel nac effeithlon mewn cymunedau.” “ Locality services will address prevention, self care, treatment, rehabilitation & long-term care.” “ The driving principle should be that district general hospitals only provide those specialist services that cannot be delivered effectively, safely & efficiently in communities.”

8 Beth yw cymdogaethau? / What are localities? Poblogaeth o tua 30,000 – 50,000 I’w defnyddio ar gyfer cynllunio, monitro a gwerthuso gwasanaethau Wedi’u cytuno gyda Phartneriaid – Awdurdod Lleol a 3ydd Sector Arweinyddiaeth / Tîm Rheoli Dynodedig Yn ddigon mawr i –Sicrhau màs critigol o boblogaeth fel sail rhesymol ar gyfer cynllunio gwasanaethau yn y gymuned Yn ddigon bach i –ddatblygu perthnasau a sefydlu ymddiriedaeth rhwng unigolion –hwyluso’r drefn o fapio gwasanaethau a dynodi bylchau –Deall nodweddion penodol yr ardal Approx 30,000 – 50,000 population Used for planning, monitoring and evaluation of services Agreed with Partners - Local Authority & 3rd Sector Designated Leadership / Management team Big enough to –ensure a critical mass of population as a reasonable basis for planning community based services Small enough to –develop of relationships and establish trust between individuals –facilitate mapping of services and identification of gaps –Understand the specific characteristics of the area

9 Cymdogaethau / Localities

10 Tîm Arweinyddiaeth Cymdogaeth / Locality Leadership Team Aelodaeth Graidd : Arweinydd Clinigol y Gymdogaeth (MT) Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol Uwch Nyrs Fferyllydd Therapydd Cynrychiolydd y Sector Gwirfoddol Core membership: Locality Clinical Lead (GP) Social Worker Senior Nurse Pharmacist Therapist Voluntary Sector representative


12 Diolch i chi – Unrhyw Gwestiynau? Thank you – Any Questions? Clare Jones 01745 586424

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