Styles of architecture


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Presentation transcript:

Styles of architecture

Gothic style Gothic style (from ital. gotico, letters. - gothic, from the name of the German tribe it is ready), art style. History As well as Romance art, art of a gothic style was under the strongest influence of church and was urged to embody in symbolical and allegorical images church to the dogmatic person. The gothic style arose in Northern France (Ile-de-France) in the middle of the XII century and reached blossoming in the 1st half of the XIII century. The style which became the final stage in development of medieval art of the countries of the Western, Central and partially Eastern Europe (between the middle of XII and XV-XVI centuries). The term "gothic style" is entered into Renaissance as pejorative designation of all medieval art which was considered "barbarous". Since the beginning of the XIX century when for art of the X-XII centuries the term Romance style was accepted, a chronological framework of a gothic style was limited, in it allocated early, mature (high) and late phases. The gothic style developed in the countries where the Catholic church dominated, and under its aegis feudal and church bases remained in ideology and culture of an era of a gothic style.

Characteristic features For a gothic style, the symbolic and allegorical type of thinking and convention of art language are characteristic. From Romance style the gothic style inherited domination of architecture in system of arts and traditional types of buildings. The special place in art of a gothic style was taken by a cathedral - the highest model of synthesis of architecture, a sculpture and painting . A sculpture to dynamic architectural rhythms, multi-color shine of stained-glass windows made strong emotional impact on believers. The city cathedral directed up with lancet arches, with the walls turned into stone lace that became possible. The arch pressure upon external columns - buttresses became the leading type of Gothic architecture. The Gothic cathedral symbolized a rush to the sky; its richest decorative furniture - statues, reliefs, stained-glass windows had to serve the same purpose. Also the subject of stained-glass windows in which scale prevailed red, blue and yellow tone is various.

Baroque At the beginning of the XVII century in Europe new style of architecture - baroque was created (ital. barocco - freakish, elaborate). It gained the greatest development in Italy. To replace the simple geometrical forms taken in Renaissance complex compositions, magnificent decorative effect come.

Columns and semi-columns are replaced with flat pilasters Columns and semi-columns are replaced with flat pilasters. This number of pilasters sets a peculiar rhythm of the movement, taking with itself pediments and platbands. Rich jewelry on them in the form of garlands, curls, leaves of plants, human figures which at different lighting during the day create original light-and-shade drawing, giving rise to impression of the movement and breath of the building. Accurate balance of parts of the building is replaced with creation of difficult drawings from facade elements. They cave in, curl and envelop each other, interacting among themselves and with surrounding space.

Rococo Rococo as transitional style, doesn't possess so clear differences as baroque or classicism. It appeared spent baroque as its more sophisticated variation. Refined decorative effect of rococo was reflected in palace ensembles of France, Germany, Russia of the XVIII century. (In Russia, except Oranienbaum the architect A. Rinaldi, style didn't find a bright embodiment). Palaces, temples of rococo bear the impress of baroque, but without cold solemnity and pathos. After baroque "gold on blue", became extraordinary popular pastel tone: gray-blue, pearl, pink, the intimacy and rest giving to an interior.

The main decorative element of rococo - rocaille (фр The main decorative element of rococo - rocaille (фр. rocaille - a decorative sink, splinters of stones, a cockleshell) - an ornament, ornament in the form of connection of natural stones with sinks and leaves of plants. Smooth curved stalks, whimsical lines of an ornament fitted into all details of an interior, forming a uniform decorative background. Rokayl was used in registration of interiors, garden arbors and rotundas, for facing of terraces, finishing of gate and fountains.

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