Speech Contest: Chiba Senior High Schools by Margaret O’Connell.


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Presentation transcript:

Speech Contest: Chiba Senior High Schools by Margaret O’Connell

Speech Contest Categories Speech (non-Japanese students only allowed to do this one) Student writes their own speech on a topic of their choice. Recitation Student picks a speech or excerpt of an English language story, memorizes it, and recites it at the contest live Reading/Recording Student picks a speech and practices before making a recording and turning in to the judges rather than performing at the contest itself

Time Restrictions & Grading Standards Speeches can be up to 5 minutes. Reading and recitation can be 3 minutes. Students can go over my up to 30 seconds without penalty but after exceeding 30 seconds, 5 points are deducted automatically from their score for every 30 seconds they go over the time limit. Speeches are graded on the following criteria: English, Comprehension, Delivery, Memorization, Content. Percentages vary by speech type.

Preparation Timeline Audition students before summer vacation Pick presentation type for each student Decide materials or edit speech over summer vacation Record yourself saying it or provide CD or speech for each student Schedule bi-weekly meetings Final presentation to the English department, receive feedback from JTEs and ALTs

Choosing Materials Speech books 英語で聞く世界を変えた女性の言葉 英語で聴く世界を変えた感動の各スピーチ Order from school library or ESS or English department budget from Amazon Shorter passages from Rohl Dahl books Disney Shell Silverstein poems Alice in Wonderland

Practicing 毎日20分練習すること!! ふりがな書かないこと!! Pronunciation Rhythm Intonation Emotion Posture Voice Memorization Gestures Facial expressions 毎日20分練習すること!! Commit to a short 20 minute practice every single day ふりがな書かないこと!! Absolutely no writing Katakana above English words.

Gesture & Pronunciation Resources

Thank you for listening!! Follow up questions? Comments? Concerns? Other advice?