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日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) ・

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Presentation on theme: "日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) ・"— Presentation transcript:

1 日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) ・

2 Last Week: Thinking about Identity Getting beyond “nation”: understanding the importance of diverse identities: –gender, sexual –regional, rural/urban –age –race/ethnicity –education/social class

3 This Week: Who are the Japanese?

4 Who are they? Are they Japanese? ① ② ③ ④ ① Michael Leitch ② Ariana Miyamoto ③ Hakuho ④ Musashi Suzuki ⑤ Abdul Hakim Sani Brown ⑥ Chris Burgess ⑤ ⑥ Whether they are Japanese or non- Japanese depends on your definition!


6 Miss Universe Japan Ariana Miyamoto faces criticism for being ‘not Japanese enough‘ (宮本エリアナさん「日本人ではない」との批判 に「悔しい」 ミス・ユニバース日本代表) 外国メディアが批判


8 宮本エリアナさんのインタビュ ー (2015.5.14) 57 ページから59ページ 「ハーフの私が日本代表ではダメですか?」

9 このインタビュー、さっそく読ませていただきま したが、とくに印象的だったのは、 宮本エリアナさんは取材の際によく「エリアナさ んにとって日本人らしさとは何だと思いますか」 と聞かれるんだそうですが、 彼女の答えは「私も皆さんと同じように箸を使い、 日本語を喋り、国籍も日本人です、としか言いよ うがありません。」 と語っている部分。取材をする側はおそらく、 もっと違うこと( ← いわゆる「外国人」から見た 日本の良いところ、みたいな話)を聞きたいのだ と想像しますが、ほんとうエリアナさんの言う通 りですよね、実際。

10 Understanding Categories Crisp ( 固定 ) categories –Clear-cut, black or white Fuzzy ( ぼやけた ) categories –Stereotypes, images –Often no SINGLE feature defines whole category

11 What is a bird…? Feathers? Can Fly?

12 In other words, ‘bird’, like most categories, is a fuzzy category Very few features define birds AND ONLY birds –e.g. all birds lay eggs but so do reptiles –e.g. many birds can fly but not all can There are good and bad examples of birds –i.e. some birds are more ‘bird-like’ than others So, what about the category “Japanese”…?

13 Defining‘Japanese’? Group Activity 1)First, add some more attributes ( 特徴 ) –(in)abilities, appearance, knowledge, personality, habits, possessions, experience, values, rights etc

14 She’s Japanese – she eats umeboshi (dried plums)! She’s very humble ( 腰が低い ) – like Japanese people!

15 Defining‘Japanese’? Group Activity 1)First, add some more attributes ( 特徴 ) –(in)abilities, appearance, knowledge, personality, habits, possessions, experience, values, rights etc 2)Next, add some names –names of groups (Ainu, Nikkeijin, returnees etc) –names of individuals (Hikaru Utada, Tsuda Umeko etc) 3)Finally, fill in the grid using (O) or (X)

16 Summing Up: Fukuoka’s “Who are the Japanese?” 1)Many people do not fit neatly into 日本 人・外国人 categories 2)People place different weight on criteria such as blood, culture, and nationality

17 Source: Burgess, Chris (2012), '‘It’s Better if they Speak Broken Japanese’: Language as a Pathway or an Obstacle to Citizenship in Japan?', in Language and Citizenship in Japan. edited by Nanette Gottlieb. London and New York: Routledge, pp.37-57 (IN THE LIBRARY!).

18 Summing Up: Fukuoka’s “Who are the Japanese?” 1)Many people do not fit neatly into 日本 人・外国人 categories 2)People place different weight on criteria such as blood, culture, and nationality 3)Japanese do not constitute the homogeneous race commonly portrayed

19 日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) ・

20 What kind of qualities are companies looking for in job seekers? 1.Communic- ation skills 2.Independence 3.Cooperative- ness 4.Fighting Spirit

21 Q: Why has the male ‘salaryman’ come to represent all Japanese? A: POWER brings access to mass media and publicity: visibility (the ‘face’ of Japan)

22 Q: Why has the male ‘salaryman’ come to represent all Japanese? A: Viewers, visitors, tourists tend to interact mostly with these ‘gatekeepers’

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