 Industrialization and Global Integration  5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism  5.2 Imperialism and Nation-State Formation  5.3 Nationalism,


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Presentation transcript:

 Industrialization and Global Integration  5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism  5.2 Imperialism and Nation-State Formation  5.3 Nationalism, Revolution, and Reform  5.4 Global Migration

 All three major European Revolutions (English, French, & Russian) occurred when literacy rates among the population reached +/- 50%  REVOLUTION: 1. Period of drastic change 2. A violent overthrow of a government

1 st Estate-> Clergy Monarch 2 nd Estate --Nobility 3 rd Estate-> Everybody else

FEVER MODEL OF REVOLUTION Much like an illness, revolutions can also be studied in stages

This stage in an illness is when the cause of the sickness first comes into contact with the individual, infecting them, but not yet causing any symptoms to present themselves. What would this stage be like in a revolution? In a revolution, this stage would involve the political, social, intellectual, or economic causes. In some cases, these causes could fester for many years before showing themselves in the form of actual revolutionary action.

This stage in an illness is when sickness starts to affect the person in observable ways. Temperature may rise. A cough might present itself. The individual might become weak and queasy. What would this stage be like in a revolution? In a revolution, this stage would be the first to involve direct action resulting from the social, political, intellectual, or economic causes of the incubation stage. This stage might involve the publication of works calling for a change, street level riots by the common people, or more direct attempts at changing the society.

Crisis Stage In a revolution, this stage would be the make or break part of the struggle. It may involve where sides for and against the revolution compete. This conflict competition could take the form of debate or full-scale war. Successful revolutions survive this stage. Those that do not are usually considered failed rebellions. What would this stage be like in a revolution? This is the critical stage in an illness where two things can happen. The individual either breaks the fever after a heightened stage of illness or the individual gets progressively worse and does not recover.

This stage involves recovering from the illness. The individual might be weakened from the experience, but he or she will eventually emerge healthy and with new knowledge and experience that might prevent the illness from occurring again. What would this stage be like in a revolution? Convalescence In a revolution, this stage would involve recovering from the extreme disruptions of the crisis stage. In general, the political, social, intellectual, or economic causes of the revolution must be addressed in some way, though not necessarily to the satisfaction of all revolutionaries.

Adapted from Crane Brinton’s book, The Anatomy of Revolution

Government inefficiency 1. Economically weak- the government has deficits and must tax. Examples? 2. Politically weak - the government is ineffective and can not or does not enforce policy. Examples? 3. Intellectuals desert - reformers speak out against the government. Examples? 4. Class antagonism - there is a conflict between the old regime and new forces. Examples?

1. Symbolic actions - there is a rallying point against the old regime. Examples? 2. Planning - the new forces plan a spontaneous" revolt. Examples? 3. Role of Force - the government cannot repress the rebellion. Examples?

1. Dual sovereignty - there is a better organized and obeyed government. Examples? 2. Moderates take over mechanism of government make a new constitution: fight a war. Examples?

1.Coup d’état - the illegal government seizes power. Examples? 2. Organization - a small number of devoted, disciplined radicals govern. Examples?

1. Forced conformity or punishment 2. Spread the gospel of revolution 3. Causes of terror: habitual violence, pressure of war, economics; class or ideological struggles Examples?

1. First convalescence from the fever of revolution 2. Amnesty or repression 3.Return of pleasure, religion, status quo Examples?

Security Freedom

The Old Regime 1.Economically weak- 1.British government imposes Stamp Act to draw monies from economically prosperous colonies- Why? 2.Colonists declare “no taxation without representation” 2.Politically weak – 1.The colonial system of government in England could not effectively enforce policies on colonies across the Atlantic which were used to self-government. “Salutary Neglect” 3.Intellectuals desert – Sam Adams organizes the Committee of Correspondence in Organization of “Sons of Liberty” 2.New England town meetings 3.The ideas of the Enlightenment 4.Class Antagonism 1.Quebec Act of 1774 closes Western expansion 2.Absentee British government vs. present form of colonial self- government

First Stages of the Revolution 1.Symbolic Actions 1.Stamp Act of Boston Massacre 3.Boston Tea Party 2.Planning 1.Continued operation of Committees of correspondence and Sons of Liberty 3.Role of Force 1.British colonial forces vs. Continental Army

Rule of the Moderates (center) 1.Dual sovereignty – – England vs. the Colonists – Loyalists vs. the Whigs 2.Moderates take over mechanism of government. – Merchants organize boycott of British goods (Phil., NYC, Boston) -2 nd Continental Congress -appoints Washington head of the army -Sent a delegation to Canada to side with colonists

Accession of the Extremists (Left) 1.Coup d’état – Declaration of Independence Organization – – Continental Army: Lead by Washington, Trained by LaFayette & von Steuben – Supplied by France – Continental Congress

Reigns of terror and virtue 1.Forced conformity or punishment – Limited to harassing loyalists 2. Spread the gospel of revolution – Pamphlets, Ballads, Newspapers 3. Causes of terror: Pressure of concluding the war continues; the struggle between the Whigs and Loyalists; shortage of goods due to the blockades

Thermidore (Recovery) 1.First convalescence from the fever of revolution – Continental Congress in full control of colonies after British surrender. 2. Amnesty or repression – Loyalists move to Canada – Ending of inherited titles – Payment for confiscated Loyalists lands. 3.Return of pleasure, religion, status quo – America returns to self-government as enjoyed before the Revolutionary War

French Revolution

FRENCH REVOLUTION OLD REGIME Economically Weak Politically Weak Intellectual opposition Tension among the classes

FRENCH REVOLUTION FIRST STAGES of the REVOLUTION Symbolic Actions Planning Role of Force by the Rebellion

FRENCH REVOLUTION RULE OF THE MODERATES Dual Sovereignty Moderates take over mechanism of government


FRENCH REVOLUTION REIGN OF TERROR AND VIRTUE Forced conformity or punishment Spread the gospel of the revolution Causes of terror

FRENCH REVOLUTION THERMIDORE Recovery/Convalescence Amnesty or Repression Return of pleasure, end of unrest, status quo

English Revolution - The Old Regime 1. Economically weak- Charles I needs tax money for war with Spain and France and for his planned invasion of Scotland; the tax system of a feudal government is inadequate for the times 2. Politically weak – Puritans gain control of the Parliament and will not vote in accordance with Charles I 3. Intellectuals desert – The Independence/Puritan churches become pressure groups and publish pamphlets and preach on matters of sociological and religious nature. 4. Class antagonism – Royalists vs. Parliamentarians;; upper- class gentry vs. middle-class merchants; Anglicans vs. Puritans and Independents

First Stages of the Revolution 1. Symbolic actions – Charles fails to arrest five members of the House of Commons; Parliament executes Stafford for treason; petition of Rights 2. Planning – Puritan preachers and pamphleteers continue to rail against Charles. 3. Role of Force –Parliamentarians defeat Cavaliers at Marston Moor in 1644; Cromwell’s New Model Army defeats Cavaliers at Naesby in 1645 and Scotch Presbyterians at Preston Pans in 1648.

Rule of the Moderates (center) 1. Dual sovereignty - there is a better organized and obeyed government. 2. Moderates take over mechanism of government - make a new constitution: fight a war.

Accession of the Extremists (Left) 1. Coup d’état - the illegal government seizes power. 2. Organization - a small number of devoted, disciplined radicals govern.

Reigns of terror and virtue 1. Forced conformity or punishment 2. Spread the gospel of revolution 3. Causes of terror: habitual violence, pressure of war, economics; class or ideological struggles

Thermidore (center) 1. First convalescence from the fever of revolution 2. Amnesty or repression 3.Return of pleasure, religion, status quo

PRELIMINARY Class antagonism – Heavy, increasing taxes on 3 rd Estate Government inefficiency – Autocrat=Louis XVI – Ignored growing bourgeoisie

PRELIMINARY People ask for change Autocrat’s failed attempts to stop early protests – National Assembly locked out of meeting place – Ordered not to meet

PRELIMINARY Intellectuals transfer their loyalty to the “people” – Enlightenment Philosophies – Enlightened public thought

FIRST STAGE Financial breakdown – Wheat famine – High bread prices Protests against government – Storming of Bastille

Moderates – Estates-General – National Assembly – National Constitutional Convention FIRST STAGE

Revolutionary underground – Jacobins FIRST STAGE

CRISIS STAGE Radicals take control – Mobs in Paris took Convention

CRISIS STAGE Enemies – Civil war Louis XVI Nobles/Emigres – Foreign war Austria England

Revolutionary council – Committee of Public Safety Strongman – Robespierre Common term of address – Citizen CRISIS STAGE

Kill original autocrat – Flight to Varennes – Women’s March on Versailles – Louis XVI/Marie guillotined Use terror to rule – Reign of Terror CRISIS STAGE

RECOVERY Revolution turns inward – Thermidorean Reaction – Danton/Robespierre killed Charismatic autocrat – Directory – Napoleon

Aggressive nationalism – Napoleonic Wars Quieter times – End of terror Trade freedom for security – Empire RECOVERY

Thursday February 28 th  Get your quiz sheets  Key Points vs. Reading Notes  Review Crane-Brinton Stages of a Revolution  Haitian Revolution – Notes  HW - Chapter 23 (your Stearns textbook)

Congratulations to the following students for their fine performance at the TAKES THE CAKE COMPETITION held last weekend! Caroline Wallace took Second Place in Buttercream Morgan Gras took Third Place in Buttercream Kayla Rivera took Second Place in Angel Food Cakes Lizzy Jones took Third Place in Sculpted Cakes Savannah Swenson took Third Place in Wedding Cakes Caroline Wallace took Second Place in Buttercream Morgan Gras took Third Place in Buttercream Kayla Rivera took Second Place in Angel Food Cakes Lizzy Jones took Third Place in Sculpted Cakes Savannah Swenson took Third Place in Wedding Cakes

A. The Old Regime 1. Economically weak- the government has deficits and must tax. 2. Politically weak - the government is ineffective and cannot enforce policy. 3. Intellectuals desert - reformers speak out against the government. 4. Class antagonism - there is a conflict between the old regime and new forces. B. First Stages of the Revolution 1. Symbolic actions - there is a rallying point against the old regime. 2. Planning - the new forces plan a "spontaneous" revolt. 3. Role of Force - the government cannot repress the rebellion.

C. Rule of the Moderates (Center) 1. Dual sovereignty - there is a better organized and obeyed gov’t. 2. Moderates take over mechanism of government - make a new constitution: fight a war. D. Accession of the Extremists (Left) 1. Coup d’état - the illegal government seizes power. 2. Organization - a small number of devoted, disciplined radicals govern. E. Reigns of Terror and Virtue 1. Forced conformity or punishment 2. Spread the gospel of revolution 3. Causes of terror: habitual violence, pressure of war, economics; class or ideological struggles F. Thermidore (Center) 1. First convalescence from the fever of revolution 2. Amnesty or repression 3.Return of pleasure, religion, status quo

HW: In your textbook, read & KP