The influence of distraction and driving context on driver response to imperfect collision warning systems M. N. LEES and J. D. LEE Ergonomics Vol. 50,


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Presentation transcript:

The influence of distraction and driving context on driver response to imperfect collision warning systems M. N. LEES and J. D. LEE Ergonomics Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2007, 1264–1286

Introduction Warnings may reduce collision involvement and collision severity of both distracted and non-distracted drivers. Failures of the system to produce warnings that drivers find useful and understandable may diminish the driver’s reliance on and compliance with warnings

They identified three dimensions that may influence trust in automation: performance, process and purpose. These dimensions suggest a range of alarm types which merit examination including accurate, unnecessary, inadvertent and false alarms. High FA rate 會帶來負面影響 ( 不信任、更多 錯誤等 )

The driving situation will influence how drivers respond to warnings and warnings will influence how drivers respond to the situation. Systems prone to different types of failure will influence trust and the drivers’ response to subsequent warnings differently. Distraction will interact with the types of warning failures.

Method-Participants A total of 64 drivers between the ages of 20 and 35 (mean 23, SD 3.7) years. All participants were native English speakers and had an active driver’s licence.

Experimental design 4 (CWS: 100% accurate alarms, 29% accurate with UAs, 29% accurate with FAs and none)62 (distraction: no-distraction and distraction) between subjects design. 之前的研究發現 FAs 介於 % ,本研 究為 71%(12/17)

Apparatus Fixed-base simulator consisting of a fully instrumented 1992 four-door Mercury Sable cab with a 508 field of view. A 7-inch, pixel, touch screen mounted on the dash of the car. A MIDI device with standard PC speakers.

Driving task: Event severity and collision warning alarms All drivers (regardless of the CWS used) encountered 17 events that varied according to criticality and event onset. Non-critical medium-onset events-parking vehicle, oversized vehicle, intruding vehicle, right-turning vehicle Critical medium-onset event Critical fast-onset event- 前車忽然變換車道 而且路邊停車的車子忽然發動進入道路。

Distraction task

Dependent variables Driving performance 分心作業績效 Trust and self-confidence

Results-Responses to false and unnecessary alarms

Results-Responses to non-critical medium-onset events

Result-Responses to critical medium and fast-onset events

The presence of a CWS did not lead drivers to spend more time interacting with the distraction task, nor did it influence distraction task performance. Result- Performance on the distraction task

Drivers with an accurate system (mean 3.3) and drivers with an UA system (mean 3.8) trusted the system more than drivers with a FA system (mean 2.5). Distraction did not influence the level of trust in the CWS (F(2,42)=1.11, NS) and the interaction between CWS and distraction was not significant. Result- Trust

Discussion CWS can influence how drivers evaluate roadway threats, making them more cautious and sensitive to potential threats. UAs fostered trust and compliance and FAs diminished trust and compliance. - 也許不同的顯示方式或參數設定可以使 UAs 不在困擾.

分心而沒有 CWS 的確會影響駕駛績效