Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News May 16 th – 20 th, 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News May 16 th – 20 th, 2016

Dates to save: May 26th: First Grade Music Concert May 27th: Grandparents’ Day May 30th: Memorial Day - No School May 31st: First Grade Track and Field Day June 6th: Minnesota Zoo Field Trip June 7th: Last Day of School

Digital Days Day of the Week Digital DaySpecialistImportant Reminders Monday3Media and ComputerBring Library Books Tuesday4Computer & Phy. Ed.Wear Tennis Shoes Wednesday5Music Thursday1P.E.Wear Tennis Shoes Friday2Music

Fast Assessments We will take Fast assessments this week. Students take this test in the fall, winter and spring. They help determine how much everyone has grown in reading and math this year. I have already seen so much growth – I know they’ll do well!

Grandparents’ Day Grandparents’ day is May 27 th. Grandparents are welcome to join us from 12:15 – 2:30 pm. They will spend time making a craft together, enjoying a snack, singing songs from our concert, and touring the school. It will be a great afternoon! Please remember we are still waiting for a few pictures for our bulletin board.

Tiger Dash Find out about the third annual Tiger Dash being held Saturday, May 21st at Delano Elementary. Go to: to register or sign up to volunteer!

Music Program The first graders will have their music program on Thursday, May 26th. Please help your child practice their songs by reviewing the blue packet from Mrs. Dake You can also check out her blog for scripts –Mrs. Dake's BlogMrs. Dake's Blog –Additional ResourceAdditional Resource Go online to to view how the song is suppose to be sung.

Delano Elementary Free Art Saturdays You still have one last chance to participate in Free Art Saturdays! An adult must accompany the child. Middle School art room 10am-2pm on the following Saturday, May 21 st.

We will celebrate your child’s birthday here at school If you decide to send store bought treats or goodies please send 24 of them. If it's a weekend day we can celebrate the Friday before or Monday after. We will also celebrate ½ birthdays. If this doesn’t work for you we can celebrate it in May. Please let me know which day you will choose if it falls on the weekend or holiday break. May Birthdays 20 th : Emma V. 29 th : Anna 30 th : Noah

Upcoming Academics: Upcoming Academics: This will change each week!

Lesson 26 Main Story: The Dot and Artists Create Art Comprehension Skill: Comparing and contrasting Phonics: Base Words/Inflections –ed and –ing; long e patterns y, ie Word Wall Words: above, pushed, teacher, bear, studied, toward, even, surprised Grammar: exclamations Writing Skills: Personal Narrative

Spelling Words: mix, mixed, hop, hopped, hope, hoping, run, running, use, used, writing, grabbed, surprised, writing *Practice writing sentences with word wall words, words with –long vowel sounds, vowel-consonant-e (VCE) word endings, and words that have –ed and –ing endings so your child will be prepared to write a sentence on the final test.

A few students have been asked to do challenge words. If your child is one of those students, please help them study these words. Challenge Words: – knitting, climbing, training, opened, pedaled

Math Concepts in this Unit: Money, Making Change, Equal Shares, Fractions, Anticipated Homework: Monday: To be determined Tuesday: To be determined Wednesday: No Homework Thursday: To be determined Friday: To be determined

More Math…. Here is the link if you need to reprint homework pages: home/unit_8/ home/unit_8/ home/unit_9/ home/unit_9/ Things you can practice at home if you are looking for additional ideas: -Number Stories -Addition Facts -Subtraction Facts -Telling Time to the half hour and quarter hour -Find the value of coin combinations

Word of the Week Extra: Each week, your child can receive a sticker for their sticker book by writing down our special word/phrase of the week along with a parent signature. This word also helps me to know that you have seen the newsletter! They love stickers! Word of the week: Happy Mother’s Day!

Family Journals Family Journals are due each Monday. Please find your child’s current entry and use the next empty page to complete your response to your child. I also encourage you to use the letter format to allow your child to see and experience that format.

General Homework Expectations Mondays: Spelling words and word wall words will come home (practice these words to be ready for the spelling test on Friday Wednesdays: Wednesday work: students complete the comprehension page as well as practice reading the words on the opposite side. When you feel your child is confident in knowing the words and has completed the comprehension page, please return it to the classroom. It is due by the following Tuesday at the latest. Monday through Friday: Math homework will be sent home each day, except Wednesdays. I expect each page to come back the following day.

Volunteering Sign Up With Students volunteer Sign Up Without Students volunteer2

Contact Information Angie Kurth 1 st GradeTeacher – rm ext.4102, Classroom Website/Blog: school/gradesstaff/first-grade/mrs-kurth