System Strategic Direction 2 System’s Cornerstone Improve Mississippi’s Educational Attainment –Graduate more students –Retain more graduates within.


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Presentation transcript:

System Strategic Direction 2

System’s Cornerstone Improve Mississippi’s Educational Attainment –Graduate more students –Retain more graduates within state –Recruit talent to Mississippi 3

Shared Responsibilities Legislature – Sets legal framework for the State Board of Trustees – Sets higher education policy for the State and priorities for the System Universities – Implements institutional missions as part of the System 4

2008 Board Retreat Goals Goals articulated by Board at the 2008 Board retreat: 1. Strategic Initiative: More Graduates of Even Higher Quality 2. Five-Year Funding Plan 3. System Efficiency and Effectiveness 4. Outreach Plan for More Postsecondary Education 5

Summary of Staff Recommendations in Response to Board Retreat Strategic Initiative –Approve recruitment and graduation stretch goals Spring 2009 –Set retention stretch goals Spring 2009 –Assess state critical needs stretch goals for teachers, nurses, & social workers (others?) –Focused enrollment management effort –Explicit tie to allocation formula Five-Year Funding Plan –Authorize staff to develop a recommended schedule for events beginning in January 2009 –Engage Board, System staff, IEOs and institutions directly in legislative and grass roots efforts Efficiencies and Effectiveness –Evaluate existing and potential efficiency opportunities and develop specific steps to address these opportunities Communication and Marketing Plan –Create communication subcommittee of the Board –Find sustainability dollars for outreach effort 6

Approved by Board of Trustees December 18, 2008 System Strategic Direction Goals #1Strategic Initiative #2Five Year Funding Plan #3Efficiencies and Effectiveness #4Communication and Marketing Plan #5Economic Development and Research Focus #6Strategic Partnerships 7

Approved by Board of Trustees December 18, 2008 Work Plan Development Assignment of staff to determine tasks, deadlines, calendar, and critical path Finalize performance measures for accountability and transparency Progress –December 19, 2008 and January 5, 2009 –January 23, 2009 (next meeting) 8

Board Goal #3 System Efficiency & Effectiveness Academic Category 1.National Center for Academic Transformation- Course Redesign 2.Enrollment Management 3.Academic Delivery 4.Articulation Agreements 5.Technology Assessment 9

NCAT Course Redesign 16 varied course redesign projects in 8 institutions Student Success (effectiveness) –Individual assistance –Small group tutoring –Faculty-selected instructional technology for tutorials –NCAT model validated by national research studies Cost Savings (efficiency) –Fewer faculty needed for large enrollment courses –Fewer class meetings frees up space –More upper level/graduate courses can be offered –Tutors provide one-to-one assistance while faculty pursue grants 10

Enrollment Management Retention - Year-to-Year for All Subgroups 2 nd Yr Retention rates/ % First time, full time freshmen MS-76 AR-78 LA-80 TN-83 AL-84 GA-86 TX-87 VA-91 ( SREB,2008) Remediation/Developmental Education Advising/Tutoring Services Quality of programs, services, and graduates Other considerations - New degree audit, work force needs, productivity reviews, alignment of goals and budget priorities 11

Academic Delivery Weekend and night classes Online and hybrid delivery Intensive, short term classes Delivery on CJC campuses and job sites Size and number of sections Faculty course loads 12

Articulation Agreements Efficiency of resource use for institutions, students, and state Monitoring of implementation Modifications based on collaboration Study of technical course agreements Ensuring seamless transfer 13

Technology Assessment Identify current and future needs Devise structures for resource sharing Support the MS Data Quality Collaborative Utilize external review with internal input Lumina/JFF Planning Grant Making Opportunity Affordable - $150K Produce more degrees with emphasis on cost containment 14

Questions? 15

Board Goal #3: System Efficiency and Effectiveness 17

Business Efficiencies and Improved Effectiveness 18

System Efficiency & Effectiveness Collaborative Opportunities Shared Services Facilities Issues –Energy –Space Financial –Debt –Audits Human Resources 19

Collaborative Opportunities Advantages –Cost savings for the system –Benefit to smaller institutions Types of Contracts –Outsourcing of business enterprises - Bookstore and Food Service –Indirect Cost Studies –Technology –Property Insurance Pooling  Best and most cost efficient options for the systems  Report in February Hazard Mitigation Grant  System-wide Grant for Planning  Seven Universities  Reduces the probability of injuries, loss of life, damage to campus assets, and disruption of the university’s mission. 20

Shared Services Advantages – Increase quality and consistency – Increase functionality and customer service – Control risk – Reduce costs Types of Services – Accounting-type services – Ground maintenance – On-line library periodical services – Registrar-type data – Purchasing Cooperative – CFO Task Force to identify specific areas 21

Facilities Efficiencies Energy Energy Audits –Private consultants of MDA –Audit schedules - January 19 th through April 30 th –Coordination with Physical Plant personnel and the energy consultant –Recommendation by sampling of the buildings on each campus –RE&F in conjunction with university evaluate feasibility of implementation of any energy saving measures recommended Energy Management System –Policy adopted – Bureau of Building and IHL Executive Office adopted a policy of requiring, when feasible, an energy management system as part of all renovation and new building construction projects Energy Conservation Plan –Energy Conservation Plan in cooperation with the universities. This effort will begin with a kick-off meeting with the Facilities and Physical Plant Directors in the near future. 22

Facilities Efficiencies Space Management –Specific retreat discussion –Space inventory –Next stages  Square footage information  Archibus Software  Facilities audit  Bonding requests 23

Financial Debt –Institution-specific strengths and weaknesses –Institution-specific plan to maintain or strengthen position System Audit Internal Audit 24

Human Resources Training and Development Programs Succession Planning 25

Questions? 26