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College-wide Meeting Budget Planning For 2010-11 FY March 17, 2010 3/10/20161.

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Presentation on theme: "College-wide Meeting Budget Planning For 2010-11 FY March 17, 2010 3/10/20161."— Presentation transcript:

1 College-wide Meeting Budget Planning For 2010-11 FY March 17, 2010 3/10/20161

2  South’s planning and budgeting process ◦ Strategic Planning ◦ Budgeting Process  State Forecast  Budget Freeze  District Allocation is NOT finalized  Budget Development Timeline 3/10/20162

3  South is dedicated to continuous improvement using our strategic planning process  On-going, meaningful discussion throughout the campus community led to the current process  Link to Budget Information on SSCC home page 3/10/20163

4  Instruction, Student Services, Administrative Services, and the President’s direct reports will update their 2009-2010 Strategic Plans by April 26  Instruction, Student Services and Administrative Services will meet with each other (late April) to share their plans and discuss collaborations  VPs will submit Strategic Plans to President and Institutional Effectiveness Committee in May 3/10/20164

5 1. Promote student learning and success 2. Ensure the financial health of the college 3. Seek opportunities that align with the College Mission 3/10/20165

6 Establish Institutional Goals & College-wide priorities Complete Unit Goals & Strategies to support College Priorities Complete Budget Requests based on Unit Goals & Strategies Present Requests to College Council College Council recommends the funding themes to Cabinet Budget review & approval by President & Cabinet 3/10/20166

7 Balancing Growth and Capacity  In this fiscal year, staffing level must be adjusted in order to relieve disparity and with consideration for present and future increases in enrollment.  The Council recommends priority needs to be on positions which are most critical to student success. The Council feels positions requested by Student Services, Office of Instruction, and Administrative Services are aligned with this goal. Efficiency  Increasing use of student “self-services”  Devoting resources that will facilitate additional online services to promote college-wide priorities  Supporting practices to reduce hazardous waste, printing, copying, and mailing materials use and cost Reallocation of Funds  The College Council is concerned that alternative funding sources may not be sustainable 3/10/20167

8 Personnel(321,677) Contract Services(120,341) Goods & Services(133,502) Travel (27,796) Equipment (9,464) TOTAL:(612,780) 2% 3/10/20168

9 Balancing Growth & Capacity  NO staff layoff  8 Full Time Faculty Positions Funded  Psychology  Business & IT  Nursing ( 2 positions)  BAS – Hospitality MGT  Culinary (temporary FT)  Aviation (temporary FT)  Weatherization (temporary FT)  Classified and Exempt positions reinstated Director of Diversity Grounds Maintenance Building Maintenance Fiscal Tech. for Prof/Technical Office Assistant Academic Program  Positions that became vacant were filled 3/10/20169

10 Efficiency  NO mandatory furlough  PTF Pool Funded to support enrollment  Retention Initiatives Funded  Benefits & Utilities are Fully Funded  Accreditation Process  Apprenticeship Contracts funded to support FTE allocation 3/10/201610

11 Reallocation of Funds  Classified Increments Funded  NO Increase in cost recoveries  Operating Contingency Funded  50% Classified position transferred from resale 3/10/201611

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14  Extra tuition generated from 2009-10FY  Carry Forward Funds  Excess Enrollment  Program Cost Recoveries  Federal ARRA Funds  Worker Retraining  Transfer the Labor Education and Resource Center to South (currently housed at the Evergreen State College) 3/10/201614

15  Preliminary Data only at this point ◦ 2 nd year of the biennium ◦ The information we have now will change ◦ Estimated Budget Cut at 10.2% ◦ Tuition increase 7% approved ◦ Extra Tuition Collection from 0910FY ◦ Excecc Enrollment Funds  State Economic Impacts ◦ Health premium increase ◦ Classified increments  Federal Impacts 3/10/201615

16  New Hires on state budget  Personal Services Contracts  Equipment Purchases over $5K  Out-of-State Travel or Training  Salary Freeze 3/10/201616

17  March ◦ Fees review and approval  April ◦ Budget Development workshop April 9 ◦ Complete Budget worksheets  Align with goals and priorities  Develop realistic budget to meet the needs  Submit to department Vice-Presidents April 26 3/10/201617

18  May ◦ Vice-Presidents review budgets ◦ Budget planning sheets are due to Business Office May 10 ◦ Prioritized list of requests is due to College Council May 10 ◦ College Council Hearing May 13-19  June ◦ College-wide Budget Hearing June 2 ◦ Final budget approved 3/10/201618

19  South’s planning and budgeting processes are efficient and worthwhile  Consider current economic environment  Manage within the resources  Prioritize initiatives  Plan ahead  Develop sustainable budget 3/10/201619

20 3/10/201620

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