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Lifelong union between a husband and a wife who develop an intimate relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "Lifelong union between a husband and a wife who develop an intimate relationship."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lifelong union between a husband and a wife who develop an intimate relationship

3 State of being emotionally connected to another person.

4 Ability to assess a relationship and to act according to what is best for everyone involved

5 Legal ending of a marriage

6 What are some of the reasons couples get divorced? Abuse, addiction, unfaithfulness, emotional immaturity, conflicts with family, selfishness, lack of communication, unfulfilled expectations, financial trouble

7 What type of responsibilities might a couple face when starting a family?

8 Responsibilities Before Birth Emotional Maturity Safet y Financial Discipline

9 A parent’s actions and behaviors are noticed and even picked up by their children. What are some things a parent can do to help build a healthy self- esteem in their children?

10 Give children time and attention Establish clear rules and limits Take time to listen and communicate Praise positive behavior and good choices


12 mom, dad and kids

13 biological parent, step parent & step children

14 children live with only one parent

15 relatives outside the nuclear family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins)

16 parents are legal guardians over children who are not biologically theirs.

17 children live with a family temporarily until they are adopted or returned to their biological parents.

18 What are 4 basic characteristics of a healthy family? Effective communication Respect Commitment LOVE

19 Every family has problems, how a family deals with them is what’s important. What are some things that can cause problems for a family? What are some ways to deal with these problems?

20 Financial problems, trouble controlling anger, depression, grief, abuse of any form, delinquent behavior

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