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Personal Reflections of Childhood HPW 3C Lesson 3.

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1 Personal Reflections of Childhood HPW 3C Lesson 3

2 Family Forms and Configurations Families come in all shapes and sizes and can be described using many terms.

3 Family Forms and Configurations The following is a list of the most commonly used terms describing the family: Blended family – two families come together Nuclear Family - two parents and their child(ren). Adoptive family - one that accepts the legal responsibility of raising a child(ren) of other biological origins. Childless Couple - sometimes called “child-free” - a couple who shares a household without the presence of children. Extended Family - includes all your relatives beyond your immediate family which may include your aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. These relatives may be living or deceased. Lone-Parent Family - one parent and his or her child(ren).

4 Family Forms and Configurations Recombined Family -(blended or reconstituted family) - a family reformed through remarriage which may include step-family members or half siblings. Single - a person who does not marry and may or may not have children. Foster Family - a family that offers temporary care for children until they can return to their own family or be placed into an adoptive family. Family of Friends - a close-knit group that shares a sense of family.

5 Family Forms and Configurations You may have your own ideas about the definition of family. Do you think anything is missing from the above list?

6 Family Forms and Configurations The Vanier Institute of the Family, a Canadian organization founded in 1965 to conduct research on the family, used this broader definition to reflect the diversity of families in Canada. It defines family as “any combination of two or more persons who are bound together over time by ties of mutual consent, birth, and/or adoption/placement and who, together assume responsibilities for variant combinations of the following: physical maintenance and care of group members, addition of new members through procreation or adoption, socialization of children, social control of members, production, consumption and distribution of goods and services, and lastly, provision of love, attention and nurturance necessary to the survival of the members of the family unit.”

7 Family structure Basically, there is no such thing as a standard or typical family. Every family is very different and very special. Some families are related by blood and others are related by marriage, adoption or choice. A family is a very significant group to which people belong. Family attachments begin even before the birth of a child and continue after the death of a family member. From a family, a child gains practical knowledge about life. A child also receives training, morals and values, and a sense of what is right and wrong. Children are deeply affected by the circumstances and day-to-day lifestyle in which they grow up. Their families are a major influence on their personalities as well as on all parts of their development. The structure of the family depends largely on the relationship between parents and, therefore, divorce, separation, death or long-term illness can change the structure of the family.

8 Key Question 1.Describe your own family and childhood using as many terms listed in the content section as you can. 2.How did your parents’ behaviours and attitudes influence your own development? Describe 2 examples.

9 Healthy Lifelong Relationships with Children How people related to children throughout their life has a great deal to do with their own experiences as a child. If their own needs were met without fail in their childhood, and they were able to form loving and trusting relationships in their family, the chances are very high that they too will have very little difficulty forming the same type of relationship with their children and be able to relate to children in a positive manner. Positive, caring interactions with children by parents, siblings, teachers, neighbours, or care-givers are wonderful role models for interactions with children throughout life.

10 Factors for lifelong parenting relationships Healthy lifelong parenting relationships depend on many factors, namely: 1.Commitment 2.Caring 3.Communication 4.Trust 5.Empathy 6.Flexibility 7.Knowledge

11 Factors for lifelong parenting relationships Children start life being entirely dependent upon their parents. As they get older, they may also develop close relationships with brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles, to name a few. These relationships depend a great deal on how the adults in the family encourage them. Differences in age, gender, and temperament will also affect these relationships.

12 Key Question - Factors 1.Describe, in your own words, why the 7 factors which contribute to a healthy lifelong relationship with children are so important. 2.Are there any other factors you can add?

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