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Play Tudor taboo with your classmates. Greens for the winners!

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Presentation on theme: "Play Tudor taboo with your classmates. Greens for the winners!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Play Tudor taboo with your classmates. Greens for the winners!

2 How ‘Supreme’ did Henry become? TBAT explain steps H8 took to achieve the Royal Supremacy To assess the extent of religious change in the 1530s  Learning objectives  Key words: Eucharist Henrician Reformation Vicegerent in Spirituals temporal v. spiritual

3 This realm of England is an empire, and so hath been accepted in the world, governed by one Supreme Head and King, having the dignity and royal estate of the imperial Crown of the same, unto whom a body politic, compact of all sorts and degrees of people, divided in terms, and by names of spirituality and temporality, be bounden and own to bear, next to God, a natural and humble obedience…without restraint to any foreign princes or potentates (powerful rulers). This is the opening (known as the preamble) to the Act in Restraint of Appeals (1533). Each table will have a Post-It, place it under the most important word or phrase in the text. What is Henry claiming in this opening? Why do you think Henry placed these words in the preamble and not the main body of the act – what message was he trying to send out?

4  Your task Read p.74-5. Take notes on the key features of the following: Read p.74-5. Take notes on the key features of the following: Act in Restraint of Appeals (1533) Act in Restraint of Appeals (1533) Royal Supremacy (1534) Royal Supremacy (1534) Treason (Act) Treason (Act)  Read about the implications of the changes and explain how far you agree with this phrase, “Up to 1536 all the changes introduced by Henry had been political”  Read about the implications of the changes and explain how far you agree with this phrase, “Up to 1536 all the changes introduced by Henry had been political”

5 Divide your page into two halves. Note down the characteristics of Catholic and Protestant faiths on either side.  Would you say that after the Reformation Henry VIII had become much more Protestant in his outlook?

6 Divide your page into two halves. Work in pairs. One of you is on the lookout for evidence on p.76-8 the reforms were moving the country in a Protestant direction, the other that the country remained largely Catholic. Compare notes and complete your charts.  Which evidence is the most decisive in proving Henry was moving in either a Protestant or Catholic direction? Supplement notes with p. 116-8, SHP

7 To what extent was Henry Supreme Head by the end of the 1530s? Create a judgement line.

8 Keep working on your ‘Four Thomases’ chart.  Who had the greatest impact on the course of the Reformation and why?

9 Why was H8 successful in achieving his divorce? TBAT explain steps H8 took to obtain his divorce To evaluate views of historians  Learning objectives  Key words: supplication annates

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