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Pump-Up What types of changes will workers want to see in their jobs during the early 20 th century?

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Presentation on theme: "Pump-Up What types of changes will workers want to see in their jobs during the early 20 th century?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pump-Up What types of changes will workers want to see in their jobs during the early 20 th century?

2 Workers Organize

3 Today’s Vocabulary Sherman Antitrust Act –Made it illegal to form trusts and prohibited monopolies. American Federation of Labor –Group that wanted companies to recognize unions, wanted closed shops, and an 8 hour workday.

4 Gov’t & Business Industries begin to use child labor. –Cheap –Less likely to strike Sherman Antitrust Act –Made it illegal to form trusts and prohibited monopolies. –Law was vague and had little effect.

5 Industrial Workers Working conditions –Work 11 hours per day, 6 days a week –No sick leave –22 cents per hour –Sweatshops

6 Early Organizing Craft Union –Members have the same job but work for different employers. Trade Union –Members have different jobs but work for the same employer.

7 The Great Railroad Strike RRs cut wages. Workers protested by: –Blocking trains. –Smashing equipment. –Ripping up tracks. U.S. Army called in to end strike. –Fired into crowd and killed strikers. Needed a peaceful way to settle labor disputes.

8 Knights of Labor Accepted unskilled workers, women, and African Americans. Campaigned for: –8 hr workday. –End of child labor. –Equal pay for equal work. Supported arbitration –Negotiations rather than strikes.

9 Haymarket Riot Crowds gathered to protest for an 8 hour workday. A bomb was thrown into the crowd killing many police officers. Blamed foreigners. –Xenophobia- the fear of foreigners. Downfall of Knights of Labor.

10 American Federation of Labor Blacklists –List of the “trouble makers.” Lockouts –Locked workers out factory and refused to pay them. Scabs –People who replaced strikers. AFL promoted rights of skilled workers: –Samuel Gompers wanted: Companies to recognize unions. Companies to hire only union members (closed shops). 8 hour workday.

11 Homestead Strike Workers refused to work faster. Fighting lasted for 14 hours. Military brought in to restore order.

12 Pullman Strike Pullman Palace Car Company laid off employees but didn’t lower rent. Workers refused to allow trains to make deliveries. –Stopped mail delivery. Army called in to end strike.

13 Reflection Explain what methods unions use to achieve their goals.

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