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Student expectations List. Arrival As you arrive breakfast program will be taking place in the cafeteria if you choose to go. 8:22 bell rings for students.

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Presentation on theme: "Student expectations List. Arrival As you arrive breakfast program will be taking place in the cafeteria if you choose to go. 8:22 bell rings for students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student expectations List

2 Arrival As you arrive breakfast program will be taking place in the cafeteria if you choose to go. 8:22 bell rings for students in grades 5 and 6 to go to pods 8:30 bell to go to homeroom 8:35 o’Canada plays/ announcements 8:40am students go to first class

3 Transitions to and from class Move directly from class to class You can go to washroom between classes (quickly) Students will move quietly through hallway Keeping to the right of the hall Teachers will be in the hallways to watch for issues Students will enter classes quietly Students will respect the expectations of the matrix

4 Recess 5 mins before lunch you can get your lunch can eat snack then go outside, if you are buying snack you will eat in cafeteria. Grades 5 and 6 will exit and enter building using back stairwell door(if you are in the cafeteria eating you can exit using the cafeteria door). If you stay in cafeteria you must be seated no running around. Expectation is that all students go outside For inside recess/lunch days students will stay in their respective pods. After recess students will put lunch cans in class bin. 5-6 students will be dismissed at the first lunch bell 1225

5 lunch After recess students will put lunch cans in class bin. Student assigned to bin that day will take bin to cafeteria that day before they go out for recess. 5-6 students will be dismissed at the first lunch bell 12:25 Assigned students will deliver the bins to designated tables (by class)in the cafeteria. Students will go outside through the grade 5 and 6 doors, and stay outside for 15mins When bell rings students will go in to the cafeteria through the cafeteria door. You will eat for 15mins. You are responsible for taking your lunch can back to your locker Clean up your area Blue table are reserved for those with allergies.

6 End of day Return to your homeroom at 2:25pm to get ready to go home. Remain in class until 2:30pm bell. No leaving early. Walkers are expected to leave the building through the front doors Bus students wait for bus in the foyer or outside for the bus.

7 Out of bounds area Any classroom or computer room that is not supervised by a teacher. The hallways in the classroom wings before 8:20am, during recess and lunch, and after 2:45pm unless staying for an afterschool activity The foyer after 2:40, walkers must leave, bus students wait outside(weather permitting). Outside the front entrance of the school during school hours. The stairwells The washrooms At lunch, the foyer, and the hallway leading to the gym At recess and lunch grade 7 and 8 students are not permitted in the grade 5-6 playground

8 Cell phones/electronic devices Devices are to be kept in the lockers during the school day unless otherwise instructed by a teacher. Students may use their devices for educational purposes with permission from a teacher. Students are permitted to use their devices appropriately before and after school. The red gate is the cut off point. No texting during class, no social networking sites, No taking a students or teachers picture or video without permission.

9 Locker routine Students are expected to go to their lockers only at designated times during the school day, unless special permission is granted during the times listed below: Before homeroom Before recess After recess Before lunch After lunch After homeroom You are expected to keep your locker clean and tidy (no food) Students are charged $5 for missing locks or to replace a lock during the school year.

10 Hat routine Students will remove their hats at their locker prior to homeroom in the morning. At recess students can put their hats on at the locker, wear them outside, and remove them at the locker at the end of recess. At lunch students can put their hats on at locker, wear them to the cafeteria and or outside and remove it at the lockers at the end of lunch At the end of the day, students can put their hats on a the locker after the homeroom.

11 Fire drill/emergency exit When alarm sounds students will remain calm, push in chairs, and line up at the door of the class, single file. Follow fire exit route (behind classroom door). Teacher will lead class out of the room and follow the route for area of the school. If a drill is called when you are in the stairwell, students are to proceed calmly to the nearest exit and assemble in their designated areas. The first person to reach a door is to be responsible to hold the door open for the other going through and make sure the door is shut at the end. No running. Gather at designated area and wait for Mrs. Tobin to take attendance. Designated area will be located to the right of the stands (looking out from the school), with 6-1 closest to the grade 5’s, behind the school beside the bus loop on the grass

12 Lock down procedures If there is a lockdown you are to do as follows: Follow all of the teachers instructions Stay inside of the room you are in at the time. If you are not in a room, go to a safe place(nearest classroom, washroom stall, empty classroom and wait there, remain quiet, until it is announced you can move.

13 Strait up Online resource for students and parents to get information about homework for their students classes. Posted daily by your teachers

14 Guidance Referrals If you are having an issue you wish to speak to Mrs. Kennedy or Mrs. MacIssac you need to make an apt to see them. If there is a ‘conflict’ that occurred with another student you are not allowed to go to the guidance office unless its an emergency. You need to ask yourself if it can wait and the teacher can make them aware that you need to speak with them and will make arrangements to make that happen. There will be no leaving class looking for them or going to their room without permission.

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