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Essentials of Understanding Psychology

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1 Essentials of Understanding Psychology
9th Edition By Robert Feldman PowerPoints by Kimberly Foreman Revised for 9th Ed by Cathleen Hunt Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

2 Chapter 11:Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and Well-Being
Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

3 Health Psychology Investigates the psychological factors related to wellness and illness, including the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical problems Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

4 MODULE 34: Stress and Coping
How is health psychology a union between medicine and psychology? What is stress, how does it affect us, and how can we best cope with it? Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

5 Stress: Reacting to Threat and Challenge
People’s response to events that threaten or challenge them Stressors Circumstances and events in life Stressors produce threats to our well-being Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

6 The Nature of Stressors: My Stress Is Your Pleasure
Categorizing Stressors – 3 Categories Cataclysmic events Occur suddenly and typically affect many people simultaneously Personal stressors Major life events Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Background stressors (i.e., daily hassles) Hassles vs. uplifts Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

7 Hassles vs. Uplifts Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

8 The Nature of Stressors: My Stress Is Your Pleasure
The High Cost of Stress Both biological and psychological consequences Psychophysiological disorders Formerly known as “psychosomatic disorders” Actual medical problems that are influenced by an interaction of psychological, emotional, and physical difficulties Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

9 How Stressful Is Your Life?
Insert figure 34.3 here Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

10 The Nature of Stressors: My Stress Is Your Pleasure
The General Adaptation Syndrome Model: The Course of Stress Physiological response to stress follows the same set pattern regardless of the cause of stress Three phases: Alarm and mobilization Resistance Exhaustion Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

11 The Nature of Stressors: My Stress Is Your Pleasure
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) PNI focuses on the outcomes of stress 3 main consequences of stress: Physiological results Harmful behaviors Indirect health-related behaviors Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

12 Coping with Stress Efforts to control, reduce, or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress Categories Emotion-focused coping Managing emotions in the face of stress, seeking to change the way one feels about or perceives a problem Problem-focused coping Attempting to modify the stressful problem or source of stress Avoidant Coping Least effective Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

13 Coping with Stress Learned Helplessness
Occurs when people conclude that unpleasant or aversive stimuli cannot be controlled Experience more physical symptoms and depression Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

14 Coping with Stress Coping Styles: The Hardy Personality Hardiness
Characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress-related illness Three components: Commitment Challenge Control Resilience Ability to withstand, overcome, and thrive after profound diversity Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

15 Coping with Stress Social Support: Turning to Others
Knowledge that we are part of a mutual network of caring, interested others Enables us to experience lower levels of stress and be better able to cope with stress we do undergo Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

16 Coping with Stress Effective Coping Strategies
Turn a threat into a challenge Make a threatening situation less threatening Change your goals Take physical action Biofeedback Exercise Prepare for stress before it happens Proactive coping Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

17 MODULE 35: Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being
How do psychological factors affect health-related problems such as coronary heart disease, cancer, and smoking? Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

18 MODULE 35: Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being
Type A behavior pattern Cluster of behaviors involving hostility, competitiveness, time urgency, and feeling driven Type B behavior pattern Characterized by a patient, cooperative, noncompetitive, and nonaggressive manner Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

19 Psychological Aspects of Cancer
Emotional responses of cancer patients to their disease may affect its course Some psychological therapies have the potential for improving quality of life and even extending the lives of cancer patients Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

20 Smoking Why People Smoke Quitting Smoking Heredity Genetics
Environmental factors Seen as “cool” Media exposure A “rite of passage” Quitting Smoking Nicotine replacement drugs Behavioral strategies Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

21 MODULE 36: Promoting Health and Wellness
How do our interactions with physicians affect our health and compliance with medical treatment? How does a sense of well-being develop? Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

22 Following Medical Advice
Noncompliance Result of reactance Negative emotional and cognitive reaction that results from the restriction of one’s freedom Creative Nonadherence Adjusting a treatment prescribed by a physician, relying on one’s own medical judgment and experience Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

23 Communicating Effectively with Health-Care Providers
Make a list of health-related concerns before your visit Before visit write down names and dosages of all medications Determine whether your provider will communicate via If you feel intimidated, bring along an advocate who can help you communicate Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

24 Following Medical Advice
Increasing Compliance with Advice Provide clear instructions to patients regarding drug regimens Honesty about nature of medical problems and treatments Positively framed messages Change in behavior will lead to a gain Negatively framed messages Highlight what can be lost by not performing a behavior Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

25 Well-Being and Happiness
Subjective Well-Being People’s evaluations of their lives in terms of both their thoughts and their emotions Characteristics of happy people Have high self-esteem Positive illusions Have a firm sense of control Are optimistic Men and women are generally made happy by the same sorts of activities – but not always Like to be around other people Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

26 Well-Being and Happiness
Does Money Buy Happiness? Set Points for happiness Most people’s set point is relatively high 30% rate selves as “very happy” Copyright McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2011

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