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Protists Kingdom – Protista Characteristics 1.Unicellular 2.Eukaryotic 3.Many live as single cells or solitary 4.Some are colonial or live in groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Protists Kingdom – Protista Characteristics 1.Unicellular 2.Eukaryotic 3.Many live as single cells or solitary 4.Some are colonial or live in groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protists Kingdom – Protista Characteristics 1.Unicellular 2.Eukaryotic 3.Many live as single cells or solitary 4.Some are colonial or live in groups

2 4 Phyla of Animal-like Protists 1. Cilophora (cilia bearing) Ex: paramecium

3 Organelles of Cilophora Cilia – hair like projections Trichocysts – spiney projections used for defense Gullet – obtains food Anal Pore – waste materials emptied Contractile Vacuole – pumps out excess H2O

4 Animal-Like Protists 2. Zoomastigina – (flagella moving) Ex: Giardia, Trichomonas, Trypanosoma Giardia

5 Zoomastigina Cont. Trichomonas

6 Zoomastigina Cont. Trypanosoma

7 Zoomastigina Characteristics Flagella – whip-like structures used for movement Absorb food through membranes Reproduce by binary fission and sexual reproduction

8 Animal-like Protists Cont. 3. Sporozoa (spore producing) Ex. Plasmodium (causes malaria) Plasmodium

9 Sporoza Characteristics Non-motile – do not move All are parasitic (live in a host and cause it harm) Reproduce by spores Usually live life cycle in several hosts

10 Animal-like Protists Cont. 4. Sarcodina – (false foot) Ex: Amoeba, Entamoeba, heliozoans, radiolarians, foraminifers Pseudopod- a false foot, motile, moves with cytoplasmic projections Has no definite shape, very flexible, active cells with cell walls They eat by surrounding their food Reproduce by binary fission

11 Amoebas: Heliozoans

12 Radiolarians – secrete shells of silica Foraminifers – secrete shells of calcium

13 5 Phyla of Plant-Like Protists 1. Euglenophyta (flagellates with chloroplasts) Ex. Euglena

14 Euglenophyta Cont. They have chloroplasts Have eyespot – helps them find bright areas They are usually autotrophs (can be heterotroph when sunlight is not avaiable) Very common protist

15 Plant Like Protists Cont. 2. Pyrophyta (fire protists) Ex. Dinoflagellates Examples of Dinoflagellates – plankton and phytoplankton

16 Pyrophyta Cont. Most are unicellular Many are luminescent (they give off light if agitated) They have bizarre shapes

17 Plant-Like Protists Cont. 3. Chrysophyta (golden protists) Examples: yellow green algae, golden brown algae, diatoms cell walls contain pectin instead of cellulose Store food as oil rather than starch Reproduce sexually and asexually

18 Chrysophyta Cont. Yellow green algae

19 Chrysophyta Cont. Golden brown algae (sargassum)

20 Chrysophyta Cont. Diatoms

21 Plant-Like Protists Cont. 4. Acrasiomycota (cellular slime mold) 5. Myxomycota (acellular slime mold) The slime molds appear amoeba-like and produce spores

22 Cellular Slime Mold

23 Acellular Slime Mold

24 Diseases Caused by Protists 1. Malaria – caused by a plasmodium, and transmitted by mosquitos 2. African Sleeping Sickness – caused by trypanosoma, and transmitted by tsetse fly 3. Amebic Dysentery – caused by entamoeba, transmitted by contaminated food and water

25 Helpful Protists 1. Trichonympha – lives in the digestive enzymes of termites/wood roaches and they digest the cellulose because the termites/roaches can not 2. Some protists serve as food for larger animals in oceans, ponds, and lakes 3. Dinoflagellates – allow tiny animals that make coral to live with them allowing coral to grow in areas with low nutrients

26 Harmful Protists Dinoflagellates Blooms – they emit a toxin that can kill fish and dolphins More than 70% of photosynthesis that occurs on Earth goes on near the surface of the ocean. It helps provide lots of oxygen and food for ocean life

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