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Kingdom Protista.

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1 Kingdom Protista

2 What’s a Protist? Protist, not Protest Protists are: 3 Types:
Eukaryotes (cells have nucleus & organelles) Mainly single-celled, but have multicellular also Not a fungus, a plant, or an animal 3 Types: Animal-Like, Plant-Like, & Fungus-Like Protists

3 Animal-Like Protists Known as PROTOZOANS (first animal) Heterotrophic
Get energy from other organisms 4 Types: distinguished by their movement Zooflagellates Sarcodines Ciliates Sporozoans

4 Zooflagellates Move by using FLAGELLA Have one or two flagella
Absorb food through cell membrane from dead organisms Live in streams or lakes Reproduce Asexually by mitosis or Sexually by meiosis

5 Sarcodines Move with PSEUDOPODS Also use PSEUDOPODS for feeding
These are cytoplasmic extensions Also use PSEUDOPODS for feeding They surround food with membrane making a food vacoule Examples: Amoebas, Foraminiferans, & Heliozoans

6 Ciliates Use CILIA for feeding and movement
Instead of having only 1 or 2, they have many cilias Use cilia to move food into gullet and make food vacoule Reproduce their mitosis Also go through conjugation to pass genes (just like some bacteria) Example: Paramecium

7 Sporozoans Unique because they don’t move freely
PARASITIC – live in host Reproduce through SPOROZOITES Sporozoites attach to a host cell and penetrate it to live in it

8 Protozoans & Diseases Malaria African Sleeping Sickness
Caused by sporozoan Plasmodium Passed on by mosquitoes African Sleeping Sickness Caused by zooflagellate Trypanosoma Transmitted by bite of the tsetse fly Effects nervous system; fall into fatal sleep Amebic Dysentary Caused by amoeba Entamoeba


10 Part 2

11 Plant-Like Protists – Unicellular
Unicellular ALGAE Why plant-like? Because contain pigments & photosynthetic Contain chlorophyll & accessory pigments 4 Types: 1) Euglenophytes 3) Diatoms 2) Chrysophytes 4) Dinoflagellates

12 Euglenophytes Have 2 flagella Have chloroplast & chlorophyll
Unlike plants = no cell wall For protection instead have Pellicle Have EYESPOT = cluster of red pigments to help find sunlight Reproduce asexually by Binary Fission


14 Chrysophytes Name means “Golden Plants” Yellow-Green Algae
Cell wall contains pectin & cellulose Store food as oil, not starch (like plants) Reproduce asexually & sexually

15 Diatoms Most abundant organism Cell walls made of silicon (Si)
Silicon is the main component of glass Look like two petri-dishes on each other When they die, make Diatomaceous Earth

16 Dinoflagellates ½ are Photosynthetic & ½ are Heterotrophic
Have 2 flagella that wrap around body Cell wall made of Cellulose (like plants) Reproduce asexually (Binary Fission)

17 Plant-Like Protists – Multicellular
Multicellular ALGAE 1) Green Algae 2) Red Algae 3) Brown Algae Biggest Difference is their Pigments

18 Green Algae Extremely similar to plants:
Have chlorophyll a and b Cell walls of cellulose Stores food as starch Can be unicellular, colonial, & multicellular

19 Brown Algae General Structure: Contains chlorophyll a and c
Also contains fucoxanthin (brown pigment) Largest known algae, Giant Kelp

20 Red Algae Have chlorophyll a & phycobilins (red pigment)
Good at making energy, so grow in deep water Important to coral reefs

21 Reproduction in Algae Many life cycles have two generations:
Haploid (n) = Spores & Gametes Diploid (2n) = Sporophyte & Zygote

22 Human Uses of Algae Major Food Source 1) Sushi
Dried & used as a wrap (Porphira – red algae) Also used for salad (Green algae) 2) Ice cream, Cheese, Syrups, Puddings Algin – Brown Algae Carrageenan – Red Algae Industrial Uses Algin used for paint, rubber, cosmetics Pigments also used for medicine & pharmaceuticals

23 Part 3

24 Fungus-Like Protists Like fungus, these are Heterotrophs
Absorb nutrients from dead organisms Key role = recycle organic material Unlike true fungus: Have centrioles Don’t have chitin cell walls 2 Types: 1) Slime Molds & 2) Water Molds

25 Slime Molds Two Groups: Cellular Slime Molds Acellular Slime Molds
Cellular Slime Molds & Acellular Slime Molds (seperated by cell membrane) (cells fuse to form 1 with many nuclei) Cellular Slime Molds Free Living, but release chemicals to attract individuals Form colonies Reproduce by Fruiting Body that releases spores Acellular Slime Molds Single cells fuse together to form PLASMODIA Fruiting bodies spring up and release spores with flagella


27 Water Molds Thrive on dead or decaying organisms
Some live on land as plant parasites Produce HYPHAE: Many cells together Cell walls made of cellulose Produce spores that are motile Reproduce both asexually & sexually Antheridium = produces male nuclei Oogonium = produces female nuclei



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