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Expert Child Rearing By: Landon Pace. ★ Raising Children is and should be an emotionally absorbing experience. Emotional attachment is essential for healthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Expert Child Rearing By: Landon Pace. ★ Raising Children is and should be an emotionally absorbing experience. Emotional attachment is essential for healthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expert Child Rearing By: Landon Pace

2 ★ Raising Children is and should be an emotionally absorbing experience. Emotional attachment is essential for healthy development. Parental unconditional love and loving nurture are seen as critical to the child, no less essential than “vitamins and calories”-(Spock and Rothenberg 1985) Raising Children ★ Parents need to develop sensitivity and understanding for their children. such as knowing the different meanings of their baby’s cry

3 Child Rearing Strategies Text ★ One of the most challenging aspects of child rearing is knowing how to change, stop, encourage, or influence your children’s behavior. Some people yell or discipline, threaten or beg.

4 other strategies ★ Respect- Mutual respect must be fostered for growth and change to occur. one way to teach respect is through modeling, by being respectful to your children and others. ★ Consistency and clarity-to prevent confusion and frustration parents need to work together. parents should beware of making promises and threats they wont be able to keep.

5 ★ Logical consequences- how do you discipline your children? children should understand consequences instead of suffering harsh punishments. the “three R’s” of logical consiquences dictate that the solution must be related to the problem, respectful, and reasonable. consequnces are designed to teach not to humiliate or induce suffering. ★ Open communication- It is a good idea to have family meetings or even personal interviews parent to child to give them a chance to talk to you and they will feel more comfortable overall to be able to speak with their parents.

6 NO physical punishment Many physicians, psychologists, and sociologists are harsh vocal critics of corporal punishment. while somewhere around 85% of parents of toddlers spank their kids many critics contend that spanking may “work” in the short run by stopping undesirable behavior its long term results are anger, hatred, aggressiveness, and family violence.

7 Behavior Modification Effective types of discipline use some type of behavior modification. rewards are given for good behavior (hugs, stickers, or special activities) and privileges are taken away for bad behavior. time outs, sending children to a boring place, are useful for disruptive behavior and give the parent time to cool off.

8 Styles of Child Rearing The book mentions 4 styles of child rearing. The first is Authoritarian Child Rearing- This style requires absolute obedience. the parent’s control is the most important. when a child questions a parent they may typically say “because i said so”. this style is found more in working class families and the child of this parenting style have been found to be more moody, passively hostile, and vulnerable to stress. Permissive Child Rearing- More popular in middle class families, permissive parents rely on reasoning and explanations, yet find themselves resorting to manipulation and justification. The child is supposedly free because he or she conforms willingly. these children are cheerful but exhibit low levels of self reliance and self control.

9 Styles of Child Rearing Cont. Authoritative child rearing- Relies on positive reinforcement and infrequent use of punishment. The parent directs and encourages the child to develop their own capabilities. the parent also fosters an atmosphere of give and take in the parent- child communication. Parental support is crucial in child socialization. It is positively related to self control, self esteem, moral behavior, and academic achievements. Uninvolved Parenting- Parents are non responsive to children’s needs, and non demanding in their behavioral expectations. children of uninvolved parents suffer in social competence, academic performance, and have problem behavior. Much research points to the Authoritative style as being most effective. Children raised by Authoritative parents tend to approach novel or stressful situations with curiosity and show high levels of self reliance, self control, cheerfulness, and friendliness. (Baumrind 1983)

10 What Children Need Prenatal nutrition and care. appropriate care and stimulation of newborns. Atleast one close attachment during the first five years. Family support in un uncaring world. including child care when a parent or parents must work. protection from illness. Freedom from physical and sexual abuse. Supportive friends, both adults and children Respect Safe, nurturing, and challenging schooling A childhood (free of pressure to grow up too fast. Protection from premature parenthood

11 What children Need (Self-Esteem) -Self-Esteem- High self esteem is essential for growth and relationships, creativity, and productivity in the world. Low self esteem is a disability that afflicts children with feelings of powerlessness, poor ability to cope, low tolerance for difference and difficulties, inability to accept responsibility, and impaired emotional responsiveness. How parents can foster high Self-Esteem in their Children = 1. Having high self esteem themselves. 2. Accepting their children as they are. 3.Enforcing clearly defined limits. 4.Respecting individuality within the limits that have been set. 5. Responding to their children with sincere thoughts and feelings.

12 What do Parents Need With as difficult as children sound and how much children require. the parents need a few things to be good parents as well. Parents have needs of their own such as; Personal Development (social contacts, privacy, and outside interests) Marital satisfaction (Intimacy is often neglected with all the other stressors of child rearing) Overall parents need to accept their limitations as parents and even as human beings. Parents need to let go of the guilt they put on themselves thinking they are bad parents if the child is ever sad or even has a runny nose. Parents need to guard themselves from burnout by emotional and physical overload With a parent’s career, children’s school, sports scouts, music art, dance pulling for a parent’s time parents are robbed of unstructured and energizing time they should be spent with other adults or even time alone.

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