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Patricia Hiner, RN. There is only one 100% way to prevent pregnancy HIV/AIDS, and STIs Abstinence – choosing not to engage in certain behaviors, such.

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Presentation on theme: "Patricia Hiner, RN. There is only one 100% way to prevent pregnancy HIV/AIDS, and STIs Abstinence – choosing not to engage in certain behaviors, such."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patricia Hiner, RN

2 There is only one 100% way to prevent pregnancy HIV/AIDS, and STIs Abstinence – choosing not to engage in certain behaviors, such as oral sex, anal sex, or sexual intercourse.

3 Two ways to get an STI SHARING BODY FLUIDS SKIN TO SKIN CONTACT  Blood  Semen/Vaginal Secretions  Oral sex, Anal Sex, Sexual Intercourse  Sharing needles  Tattoo guns  Shedding dead skin cells through FRICTION  Hand in the genital area  Condoms are not effective because these viruses live in the area the condom doesn’t cover

4 2 Main Types of Infection BACTERIAL VIRAL  Chlamydia  Gonorrhea  Syphilis  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV or Genital Warts)  Herpes (HSV 1 or HSV 2)  Hepatitis B  HIV If it starts with “H” there is NO CURE!

5 Can NOT be Cured

6 Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV/AIDS  The Human Immunodeficiency Virus causes HIV infection.  Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is the final stage of HIV infection.  Can you tell if someone has HIV by looking at them? The length of time between the time someone is infected and “severe” symptoms is a bout 10 years. They may look healthy and still spread the disease.

7 How do you get HIV?  MOST COMMON - Sexual intercourse with an infected person, which includes contact with infected body fluids (blood, semen, and vaginal secretions).  Condoms are affective against diseases spread through body fluids.  Second Most Common - Sharing needles- tattooing, body piercing, and injection of steroids or other drugs.  To a baby born to an HIV infected mother.  Health care setting through accidental contact with infected blood.

8 Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV  What is the only way to be 100% sure you will not get HIV?  Abstinence from sexual intercourse  Abstinence from sharing needles  Avoiding other peoples blood

9 You can NOT get HIV by:  NOT by Air or environmental surfaces—HIV does NOT survive outside of the human body on things like toilets, dishes, floors, or clothing.  NOT by kissing.  NOT by saliva, tears, sweat, urine and feces.  NOT by insects.

10 How long before you know if you have HIV or any STD’s?  Antibody tests or blood tests are done through confidential and anonymous testing, free of charge at our local Health Dept.  Confidential testing means that the medical person who gives the test tells no one the results of the test, except the person being tested.  Anonymous testing is when the person getting tested gives a code name or number, instead of his or her real name.


12  Local Health Departments offer confidential and free testing and treatment for STI’s 931-473-8468  Urine tests and blood tests may be used to diagnose an infection  A sample of the discharge from the penis or vagina is taken during an examination  The examination includes a pelvic exam for a girl and a visual examination of the genitalia for a boy.

13 Places to look for information   Web sites that end  Health professional – Doctor or Nurse  Health Department (Local Agency)

14 Genital Herpes

15 Herpes – No cure  There are 2 types of Herpes: HSV 1 – Cold sore or fever blister – it is not an STI. HSV 2 is spread by genital or mouth contact with sores.  Is often not visible.  Symptoms are treatable, but they usually return throughout the rest of your life.

16 Painful blisters associated with Genital Herpes

17 HPV (Genital Warts) - NO CURE  There is a vaccine that may prevent 4 of the most cancer causing forms of this virus.  Can be removed by a doctor but they will come back.  This group of viruses can be present with OR without the presence of genital warts  This group of viruses is associated with various cancers. Cervical cancer, vulva, penis, anus, and oropharynx (back of the throat including base of tongue and tonsils).

18 Condyloma acuminata, penile Condyloma acuminata, vulva

19 Hepatitis B – No cure  Is transmitted by blood and blood contact  Condoms ARE effective against diseases that are spread through blood  Affects the liver and can not be cured  It is the only STI that can be prevented 100% by getting vaccinated

20 Can be cured

21 Chlamydia The Silent Disease  May not show ANY early symptoms  Frequently leads to sterility if left untreated (50/50 chance you will never have children)  Is curable with antibiotics  A person can be re-infected if he or she has sexual intercourse with an infected person.

22 Gonorrhea  May lead to sterility  May not show ANY early symptoms  Is curable with antibiotics  Is transmitted more easily through saliva than any other body fluid.  May be transmitted through all type of sexual activity

23 Syphilis  Is characterized by the presence of a sore, usually painless, and/or a variety of rashes  Is spread if the sore or rash is touched, even if the contact is not with the genitals.  May not be noticed because the sore or rash may be in an area that is not easy to see.

24 Syphilis  Is not cured without treatment, even though the sore and the rashes will go away on their own.  Is cured with antibiotics but the disease has become more resistant to antibiotics  A person can be re-infected if he/she has sexual intercourse with and infected person

25 Chancroid ulcers

26 Secondary Syphilis

27  Secondary Syphilis

28 What Else Can You Do?  Be an advocate for the prevention of HIV and STIs. Take a clear stand to promote healthy lifestyles. Know the facts. Know your audience. Demonstrate your convictions. Encourage others to choose healthy lifestyles.


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