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Revolution and Civil War in Russia

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1 Revolution and Civil War in Russia
Chapter 11 Section 5

2 Standard/ Objective Objective: You will be able to explain the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution. Standard Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin's use of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control (e.g., the Gulag)

3 I. Unrest Deepens & WWI Russia was under the rule of a “Tsar” aka a king Marxists sought to unite proletariat Working class WWI increases nationalism War losses damage morale Rasputin seeks to help royal family Tsar Nicholas II abdicates Establishes provisional government

4 II. Rasputin Gregory Rasputin Siberian monk
Royal family looked to him for comfort, advice, cure for son Disliked by most Russians, especially nobles

5 III. Lenin and the Bolsheviks
Lenin returns and leads revolution Peasants and troops revolt against provisional government Bolsheviks = Communists

6 IV. Russia Plunges into Civil War
Reds vs. Whites Reds = Communists Bolsheviks, proletariat, etc. Whites = Loyalists Military, nobles, allied nations, etc. Reds ultimately win Russia becomes Soviet Union

7 V. Building the Communist Soviet Union
Goals Problems Modernize Soviet Union Rebuild Soviet economy Spread communism Factory & mine output fell Peasants stopped producing grain because government took it all Eventually had to adopt some capitalist policies

8 VI. Soviet Union Moving Forward
1924 – Lenin dies Power struggle between Leon Trotsky & Joseph Stalin Stalin wins, Trotsky murdered Stalin turns to ruthless measures to win dictatorial power

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