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Cold War Conflicts The U.S. and the Soviet union emerged from wwii as two “superpowers” with vastly different political and economic systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War Conflicts The U.S. and the Soviet union emerged from wwii as two “superpowers” with vastly different political and economic systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War Conflicts The U.S. and the Soviet union emerged from wwii as two “superpowers” with vastly different political and economic systems.

2 What we’ll learn about the Cold War
Essential Question Objectives Summarize the steps taken to contain Soviet influence. Summarize the events of the Korean War. Describe government efforts to investigate the loyalty of U.S. citizens. Explain the policy of brinkmanship. What international and domestic tensions resulted from the Cold War?

3 Origins of the Cold War United Nations Containment Iron Curtain
International peacekeeping organization. Containment Blocking another nation’s attempts to spread its influence. Iron Curtain Imaginary line that separated Communist countries from Western Europe Marshall Plan U.S. supplied aid to Europe to rebuild after WW2 Berlin Airlift U.S. flew food to West Berlin after Soviet blockade in. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Military alliance of Western Europe, U.S., & Canada.

4 The Korean War Chiang Ki-shek Mao Zedong 38th Parallel Korean War
Nationalist leader of China. Mao Zedong Leader of Communist rebels. 38th Parallel Border between Communist North Korea and Democratic South Korea. Korean War North attacks South and controls 95% of country. U.S. counterattack under General Douglas MacArthur pushes North till China joins war. MacArthur wants to nuke China which would have started WW3 against Soviets & Chinese. July, 1953: Cease-fire signed.

5 Cold War @ Home! House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Agency investigating possible Communist influence inside & outside the U.S. government. Hollywood Ten Hollywood personnel that refused to testify and were sent to prison and “blacklisted” from working. Ethel & Julius Rosenberg Blamed for helping Soviets acquire Atomic bomb earlier than thought possible. Executed. McCarthyism Unsupported accusations of communist ties to scare and intimidate. Senator Joseph McCarthy (WI) was the leader and said 200+ “Commies” in State Department.

6 Living on the Edge H-Bomb Brinksmanship Warsaw Pact
Hydrogen bomb had the force of 67 Hiroshima bombs. Brinksmanship President Eisenhower’s willingness to almost start WW3 to stop spread of Communism. Warsaw Pact Soviet’s alliance system similar to NATO Central Intelligence Agency Uses spies to gather intelligence internationally. The “U-2” Incident U.S. spy plane shot down over Soviet area taking pictures. President Eisenhower admits spying and halts flights but doesn’t apologize.

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