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Lesson 1.

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1 Lesson 1

2 Vocabulary Organism- a living thing
Organ- A body PART that is made up of smaller parts that’s work together to do a job Organ system- a GROUP of organs that work together to do one type of job

3 Nervous System Nerve cells- tiny cells specialized in carrying "messages" through an electrochemical process Nerves- a chain of long nerve cells Brain-the organ that processes Information Spinal cord- the rope-like bundle of nerves that runs along your backbone

4 Integumentary system – skin, nails, hair
The system that helps protect the inside of your body

5 Lesson 3

6 Skeletal System The framework of the body, consisting of  bones and other connective tissue, which protects and supports the body  tissues and internal organs.

7 Joints Joint- a place where two or more bones meet.
Ligament- connect the bones of a joint Cartilage- is a flexible connective tissue 

8 Muscular system The bodily system that is composed
of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissue and functions in  movement of the body.

9 Muscular system Muscles work in pairs (Contracts, Relax)
Voluntary muscles- muscles that you control (arms, legs,) Involuntary muscles- muscles you do not control (digestive, heart)

10 Types of skeletons Exoskeleten-  is the external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body

11 Science Vocabulary Mucus- a sticky think fluid that traps dust, germs, and other things in the air. Bronchioles- tubes in the lungs that end with air sacs where oxygen is received from the blood.

12 Cilia- tiny hairs in your respiratory system that help clean the air you breath.
Larynx- your vocal cords stretch on your larynx and when you talk you make the cords vibrate.

13 Science Vocabulary The circulatory system moves food and oxygen to cells and takes wastes away. The circulatory system includes the heart, blood, and blood vessels.

14 Science Vocabulary Plasma- carry the food to your cells and removes the waste from your cells. Red blood cells- carry oxygen to your cells. White blood cells- protect your body from germs Platelets- cells that are used to help you stop bleeding when you are cut.

15 Science Vocabulary Arteries- blood vessels that carry oxygen rich blood away from your heart. Capillary- tiny arteries that are very thin so oxygen can move from the capillary to the cells in your body.

16 Science Vocabulary Veins- blood vessels that carry blood with no oxygen from your cells to your heart. Valves- veins have flaps (doors) that keep the blood going. -cwA

17 Science Vocabulary Right side of the blood pumps blood to the lungs to get oxygen. The left side pumps blood to the arteries. ?v=tzCIE1weHrU

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