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Welcome to the Kansas User Group Meeting January 12, 2015 Please remember to place your phone on mute and do NOT place your phone on hold.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Kansas User Group Meeting January 12, 2015 Please remember to place your phone on mute and do NOT place your phone on hold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Kansas User Group Meeting January 12, 2015 Please remember to place your phone on mute and do NOT place your phone on hold.

2 Kansas Champ User Group January 12, from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Agenda 9:00 a.m. Welcome and introduction of participants – Norah and Chris 9:10 a.m. DAISEY Update – new updates 9:20 a.m.Billing 9:30 a.m.Kan-B-Healthy – work group discussion 9:40 a.m.WebIZ – new updates 9:45 a.m. Discussion and Sharing 10:30 a.m. Adjourn Set date and time for next meeting

3 DAISEY: We are looking into what it would take to automate #3 so users don’t have to manipulate the data at all. We have to do this for each of the forms.

4 DAISEY: This will take a while. It may be late March before we have figured out the technical details of mapping and converting/formatting all the data elements for every form. Then we need the development team to estimate how long it will take to code these changes. Once we have that information we know where it fits in the development timeline and plan for release including time for users to test the process for us once built. Until we have this done users can enter data into NN in standard fields and custom fields and export it. They would need to paste it into the DAISEY template for each form and make sure the format matches what the template requires, then upload it. OR enter the information manually into DAISEY. It may be July before we could get this done and into a scheduled release. At this point DAISEY is not planning any notification for vendors when they make changes to the templates. Users will have to let us know when there are changes so we can make them. If at all possible it would be good if users could request some advance notice of changes coming from DAISEY so they can let us know and we can plan time to make the updates before the changes to into effect. If we don’t have this notice, then users will be left to wait longer while we make updates once we know about them after the fact.

5 DAISEY: Here is a list of the forms we have received so far. If a form you will be using is not on this list, please let us know as soon as possible. We are only given templates from DAISEY when an agency has identified that they need a specific form. We are unable to get all possible forms without having notification from an agency that they will be using a specific form. – Adult Profile (for all counties) Have this template already – Child Profile (for all counties) Have this template already – KDHE Program Referral (for all counties) Have this template already – KDHE Program Visit Form Adult (for all counties) Have this template already – KDHE Program Visit Form Child (for all counties) Have this template already – Edinburgh (Butler, unknown who else) – Family Planning Service Form (Butler, unknown who else) – Maternal Child Health Service Form (Butler, unknown who else) – Smoking History Survey for Pregnant Women (Butler, unknown who else)

6 DAISEY: Here’s a screenshot of the timeline they gave. This is a timeline that we were not involved in and we just received some of the templates from DAISEY last week. While we will work toward getting this ready by May 1 st. At this point that is an aggressive timeline.

7 DAISEY: Discussion - Lisa: changes to the templates will there be a charge Champ: at this point there is no plan to charge for those changes unless there are significant changes but that will be discussed at that point Lisa : is this going to be full data import? Champ: at this point the plan is to come up with a plan to import all but will be getting feedback from our Kansas agencies Lisa: changes to templates; what is the turn around time? Champ: depends on the significance of the change but hope for it to not be long

8 Billing: Payment Posting Private Pay Statement Generation

9 Kan-B-Healthy DAISEY and Kan-B-Healthy - The service of providing a Kan-B-Healthy would be captured in DAISEY but the results would not. Development of pathways and/or custom tabs to capture results – work group!

10 Web IZ WebIZ made changes to their specifications and implementation guide. We received those changes last week and are making changes to our technical test messages according to the documentation. Over the next 3 -4 weeks Champ will create new technical test messages according to the new specification and send them to WebIZ for validation. Once validated then users will be asked to engage in end-user testing.

11 Discussion and Sharing Dickinson: flu went well; billing going well; question about custom tab and how to move it or make it inactive Butler: has a new billing clerk; plans to start working on MCH component Sumner: will start more work documenting; billing to start soon; start working on inventory Jewell: Ottawa: Phillips: working on billing; decisions on posting payments; question about pt on home health and you discharge – Rooks: flu shots went well; need to set goals for new programs to add; next step to add family planning and then home health

12 Listserv You first need to sign up!

13 Listserv It’s a two step process. Once you have registered you need to approve your registration. To Send: If you want to send an email to the Listserv, use the following address: To Reply: If you want to just reply to the person who sent the email, select Reply. If you want to reply to the whole list, select Reply All.

14 Thank You for Participating & Attending Today! Topical Webinar: January 26, 2016 9:30-11:00am CT Using Direct Secure Email in Nightingale Notes Next User Group Meeting: Tuesday, February 9 from 9-10:30CT (second Tuesday) If you have suggestions for our next Kansas User Group meeting please email ideas to either: Chris Friederich at Norah Savard at

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