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Oaks Elementary A Great Place to Learn Parent Orientation August 23, 2013.

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1 Oaks Elementary A Great Place to Learn Parent Orientation August 23, 2013

2 2 nd Grade Teachers Ms. Kelley (math/science/social studies) Mrs. Criner (reading and language arts) Mrs. Banda (reading and language arts) Ms. Afyounizadeh (math/science/social studies)

3 Meet Mrs. Banda This is my 2 nd year teaching 2 nd grade (I have previously taught K and 1 st ) I have been married two years In my spare time I like to run/workout, read, and volunteer with my dog Holly

4 Meet Ms. Afyounizadeh

5 Mrs. Banda’s Schedule M, T, W, F Banda’s Home Room Class Block I Banda 8:05-9:30 Reading 9:30-10:25 Writing 10:25-11:10 Specials Block II Afyounizadeh 11-10-11:30 Math 11:40-12:10 Lunch Block II Continued Afyounizadeh 12:10-1:20 Math Continued 1:20-1:40 Recess 1:40-2:35 Science/Social Studies 2:35-3:05 CSI 3:08- Dismissal Thursday Only Block I Banda 8:05-9:25 Reading 9:25-10:20 Writing 10:20-10:40 Recess Block II Afyounizadeh 10:40-11:30 Math 11:40-12:10 Lunch Block II continued Afyounizadeh 12:15-12:40 Math continued 12:40-1:40 Science/Social Studies 1:40-3:00 Specials 3:08 Dismissal

6 Our Schedule M, T, W, F Afyounizadeh’s Home Room Class Block I Afyounizadeh 8:05-9:30 Science/S.S. 9:30-10:25 Math 10:25-11:10 Specials Block II Banda 11-10-11:30 Reading 11:40-12:03 Lunch Block II Continued Banda 12:10-1:20 Reading Continued 1:20-1:40 Recess 1:40-2:35 Writing 2:35-3:05 CSI 3:08- Dismissal

7 Specials Schedule Banda’s Homeroom 10:25-11:10 MondayMusic TuesdayComputer WednesdayP.E.* FridayLibrary Thursday 1:40-3:00 Week 1Music/P.E.* Week 2 Computer/P.E*. *Wear tennis shoes Afyounizadeh’s Homeroom 10:25-11:10 MondayLibrary TuesdayP.E.* WednesdayComputer FridayMusic Thursday 1:40-3:00 Week 1Computer/P.E.* Week 2 Music/P.E*. *Wear tennis shoes

8 Extended Specials Time Every Thursday, all 2 nd grade students will have specials at the end of the day. Banda Thursday 1:40-3:00 Week 1 Music/P.E.* Week 2 Computer/P.E*. *Wear tennis shoes Afyounizadeh Thursday 1:40-3:00 Week 1Computer/P.E.* Week 2 Music/P.E*. *Wear tennis shoes

9 Lunch and Recess Schedule Lunch is from 11:40-12:10 each day Parents must check in with the front office before entering the building. Recess is from 1:20-1:40 (M, T, W, F) And from 10:20-10:40 (Thurs. only)

10 Fruit/Snack Break *We have snack time at 9:30am everyday. We do not provide a snack, therefore if you child wants a snack they must bring one from home. *Please only bring healthy snacks and avoid sending snacks that are messy. Examples of good snacks: apple, banana, orange, crackers, granola bar, etc. *Students may bring a water bottle with water but please no Gatorade, juice, milk etc.

11 Morning Arrival First day of school – –Doors open at 7:30, parents are welcome to come with their child –Students will go straight to their classrooms All other days – –Doors open at 7:30, all students enter through the cafeteria/gym doors –Students arriving prior to 7:50 will wait with their grade level in the gym –At 7:50, each grade level begins leaving the gym to head to their classroom –The front door opens at 7:55(for student entry) (if your child arrives before this time, they must enter through the cafeteria/gym doors). School begins at 8:05. Please make every effort to be here on time.

12 Morning Drop Off Circular drive on Upper Lake –This is drop off only, please stop, drop, and go. –If you need to go inside, please park in the large parking lot Large parking lot on Oak Briar –Cones are set up to allow parents to drop off then proceed through the first parking row to exit. –Only buses are allowed through to the first row –Students will walk up the sidewalk to enter through the cafeteria doors if before 7:55 ** Please do not drop off your child further along to walk through parked cars. This is very dangerous.**

13 Dismissal Procedures Bike riders – dismissed at 3:10 Walkers (East/West) – dismissed at 3:15 –East (Upper Lake and Oak Briar) –East (Oak Briar and Ancient Oak) –West (Upper Lake to Pioneer) **Do not park along Oak Briar…there are no sidewalks therefore students have to walk or bike around you.** Car Riders – dismissed at 3:20 –After a couple of weeks, the line moves quickly and finishes around 3:35. Please make sure you are there at this time. –You may not walk up to pick up your child from the car rider line. **Do not park along Upper Lake to pick up walkers, if you are going to do this (which we don’t advise) park on the side streets**

14 Change in Dismissal Please make sure you fill out the form on how your child will be getting home and give to the teacher today. To change the way your child is dismissed, you must send or fax signed written notice to the teacher. Emails will be accepted as long as they include a contact number.

15 Rainy Day Dismissal “ If it is raining (light or heavy), thundering/lightning we will make the decision for a rainy day dismissal around 2:50. If a rainy day dismissal is decided, we will post it on our website. This means that all students (bikers and walkers) will report to the gym where they may be picked up through the car rider line. After car riders are dismissed, any bikers or walkers that are remaining will be dismissed if the rain/thunder/lightning has subsided. Please note that these students may be home 30 minutes later than their usual arrival time since car riders are dismissed first.”

16 Rainy Day Dismissal cont… Once a rainy day dismissal is posted on the website, it will remain such even if the rain stops or the storm moves through. Parents may have already made various arrangements due to our posting.

17 Absences/Tardy To report an absence, call the absent line at 281-641-1819. Attendance report time is 9:40 for this year. Please work all appointments around this time. Students are tardy if they arrive after 8:05.

18 Oaks Communication Each grade level sends out (email or hard copy) a newsletter every Monday letting you know of the week’s activities within that grade level. Websites have up-to-date information HOOT SCOOP – School-wide newsletter is sent out every other week on Thursdays. A hard copy is sent home as well as an email to all families who have an email address in our database.

19 Dress Code Not allowed –Short shorts, mini skirts, halter tops, spaghetti straps, low cut or midriff shirts, flip flops, inappropriate decorations or advertisements on shirts Tennis shoes must be worn for PE To play on playground equipment students must have tennis shoes or shoes with a back

20 Early Release Dates School ends at 12:00… **Dates are listed in the Oaks Parent/Student handbook which is provided in your packet**

21 Birthday Treats Treats may be provided if they are store bought It is up to the teacher on when the treat is given to the students. Ice cream may be purchased from the cafeteria and eaten during the students’ lunch period….281-641-1808.

22 Hands and feet to self Be On-time Stay On-Task Treat others with respect

23 Classroom Management Plan Second Grade teachers will use a visual classroom behavior stop sign. Students that follow class rules and good behavior may have class recognition and move their clip to the blue circle, receive “Hoot Tickets” to use at the Hoot store, or have their name submitted to Character Café.

24 Classroom Management (continued) If a student chooses unacceptable behavior, the student may need to move his/her clip. Consequences for unacceptable behavior could be for the teacher to write in the students folder, loss of recess, loss of privilege time, phone call home or an office referral.

25 Why Try? Districts Bully Prevention program –Lessons are taught by classroom teachers every other week –Posters and references regarding taught lessons are referred to daily

26 Title I Annual Meeting Video

27 Don’t Forget…… Stop by the breezeway to…. –Sign up for PTA –Sign-up to volunteer –Purchase spirit items –Put money in lunch account –Make sure to sign-up to volunteer in the library…Our librarian needs help!

28 Please leave the following here..... –Green card –Dismissal information


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