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Welcome to Mrs. Miljavac’s Class School Info Welcome to St. James Elementary School Principal: Rex Geary Secretary: Sharon Krautman School Phone Number:

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2 Welcome to Mrs. Miljavac’s Class

3 School Info Welcome to St. James Elementary School Principal: Rex Geary Secretary: Sharon Krautman School Phone Number: 816-238-0281 If you need to contact me during school hours you may call the school or send me an email or message on Sycamore.

4 General Information School Hours are 8:00 AM- 3:10 PM *Students are not to arrive in the classroom before 7:45. Students may be dropped off at the gym after 7:30 if they need to arrive early. Lunch is $2.25 and milk is $.40 Please label all students belongings Each student may bring a healthy snack daily or buy a snack from the school snack store.

5 Meet Your Teacher Mrs. Andrea Miljavac I was born and raised in St. Joseph, MO. I graduated from MWSU with a Bachelors Degree in Business and a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education. I am married with two sons. I am excited for this year and look forward to getting to know all of you!

6 Daily Schedule 8:00 Morning Work 8:25 Shared Reading 9:00 Guided Reading/Centers 9:45 Recess 10:00 Religion 10:55 Writing 11:25 Lunch 11:45 Music 12:05 PE or Art 12:25 Social Studies 1:00 Math 1:45 Recess 2:15Science 2:55 Story time 3:10 Dismiss

7 Classroom Management We will discuss classroom rules and the consequences for breaking rules. We will use a color coded chart to represent consequences. Green- Good Behavior, no consequences Yellow- Warning, no consequence Blue- 5 minutes of recess Red-10 minutes of recess, note home to parents to be signed and returned. Any further actions will result in a visit to the principal.

8 Communication -I will provide a plastic folder that your child will bring home each night. It will contain notes from school and homework. -Please check it every night and return homework, notes to the office or teacher, and lunch money. -Graded Papers will be sent home in the folder weekly - If your child loses the folder I will replace it for $1.00


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