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A trip through time Social Studies Review.

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1 A trip through time Social Studies Review

2 Cardinal Directions Directions that are found on any map or globe
North, South, East, West, Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast Look for the Compass Rose to help you out on every map.

3 Latitude Lines Imaginary Lines that are found on a map or a globe.
Lines that run east and west on a map.

4 Equator An imaginary line that is found at 0 degrees latitude.
It cuts the earth into northern and southern hemispheres.

5 Longitude Lines Imaginary Lines that are found on a map or a globe.
Lines that run north and south on a map.

6 Prime meridian An imaginary line that is found at 0 degrees longitude.
It cuts the earth into eastern and western hemispheres.

7 Hudson River Located in New York
Starts in the mountains and flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

8 Ohio River Located under the state of Ohio
Starts in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and flows into the Mississippi River.

9 Mississippi River It’s the 2nd longest river in the United States.
It starts in Minnesota and flows into the Gulf of Mexico.

10 Colorado River Located in the state of Colorado.
This river starts on a 14,000 foot tall mountain and flows in the Gulf of California. It flows through the Grand Canyon.

11 Rio Grande River Located under the state of Texas.
It’s a natural border between Texas and Mexico. It starts in the southern Rocky mountains and flows into the Gulf of Mexico.

12 Rocky Mountains They are high and rugged.
Located in the Western United States. The mountains run from Mexico to Canada on the Western side of the United States.

13 Appalachian Mountains
They are low and worn down due to age and weathering. Located in the Eastern United States. The mountains run from Georgia to Canada on the Eastern side of the United States

14 Greece Greece is located on the Balkan Peninsula in Europe.
It is a the southern tip and is made up of many islands. To find Greece on a map: Locate the US and go straight across to Europe. Find the tall, high-heeled witch’s boot (Italy). Remember she got mad, kicked back, & scattered Greece into the islands in the sea.

15 Paul Revere Paul Revere was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1734.
Remember that Massachusetts is right beside New York and it looks like an elf is sitting and hanging his curl tipped shoe out in the Atlantic Ocean.

16 Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was born a slave in Tuckahoe, Maryland in He escaped from slavery and ran away to New York. When he married his wife Anna, they moved to Massachusetts.

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