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 Present tense Today we will begin to look at the present tense. We will look at some uses of the present tense and how to form it with ar verbs.

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Presentation on theme: " Present tense Today we will begin to look at the present tense. We will look at some uses of the present tense and how to form it with ar verbs."— Presentation transcript:

1  Present tense Today we will begin to look at the present tense. We will look at some uses of the present tense and how to form it with ar verbs.

2 Primero… ¿Cuál es la fecha hoy?

3 Primero… ¿Qué hora es?

4 What is the present tense?  It is a verb tense used when talking about things happening now  You use it when stating things you do  Example: Yo escribo una carta a mi mamá. (I write a letter to my Mom.)

5 6 forms, ar

6 o

7 o as

8 6 forms, ar o as a

9 6 forms, ar o amos as a

10 6 forms, ar o amos asáis a

11 6 forms, ar o amos asáis aan

12 3 steps to present Bailar Step 1: Pick your verb Step 2: Eliminate the “ar”

13 3 steps to present Bail Step 2: Eliminate the “ar” ar

14 3 steps to present Bail Step 3: Choose the proper ending

15 3 steps to present Bailo Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Yo)

16 3 steps to present Bailas Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Tú)

17 3 steps to present Baila Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Él, Ella, Ud.)

18 3 steps to present Bailamos Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Nosotros)

19 3 steps to present Bailáis Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Vosotros)

20 3 steps to present Bailan Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Ellos, Ellas, Uds.)

21 Yo mont o en bicicleta.

22 En la tienda de ropa, tú compr as un abrigo.

23 Ella llam a a su papá.

24 Compr amos una pelota de golf.

25 Necesit áis ir al consultorio.

26 Ellos compr an una raqueta de tenis.


28 Lets make some sentences with the verb hablar I talk to MariaYo habl o a Maria. You talk to Maria.Tú habla s a Maria. He talks to Maria. Él habl a a Maria. We talk to Maria. Nosotros habl amos a Maria. They talk to Maria. Ellos habl an a Maria.

29 Lets make some sentences with the verb echar I mail a letter to MariaYo ech o una carta a Maria. You mail a letter to Maria.Tú echa s una carta a Maria. He mails a letter to Maria.Él ech a una carta a Maria. We mail a letter to Maria. Nosotros ech amos una carta a Maria. They mail a letter to Maria. Ellos ech an una carta a Maria.

30  ER/IR verbs

31 Verbs that end in ER or IR are conjugated differently  Just like our AR verbs, there are 6 forms we need to remember for conjugating verbs that end in ER or IR

32 3 steps to present Comer Step 1: Pick your verb Step 2: Eliminate the “er”

33 3 steps to present Com Step 2: Eliminate the “er” er

34 3 steps to present Com Step 3: Choose the proper ending

35 3 steps to present Como Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Yo)

36 3 steps to present Comes Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Tú)

37 3 steps to present Come Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Él, Ella, Ud.)

38 3 steps to present Comemos Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Nosotros)

39 3 steps to present Coméis Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Vosotros)

40 3 steps to present Comen Step 3: Choose the proper ending (Ellos, Ellas, Uds.)

41 6 forms, er verb endings o emos eséis een

42 6 forms, ir verb endings o imos esís een

43 Don’t be overwhelmed! You will memorize these really fast and won’t even have to think about them!

44 Tarea Write 3 short sentences with an ar verb conjugated in at least 3 different forms. Write 3 short sentences with an er verb conjugated in at least 3 different forms. Write 3 short sentences with an ir verb conjugated in at least 3 different forms.

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